Chapter 2 - A dream come true (part V)

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It took them more than two weeks to get to the capital from Simula, but they were finally standing before the gates of Everdale Academy of Magic. Velvet glanced up at the giant walls. She didn't imagine it quite like this. Honestly, it seemed more like a fortress or a castle than an academy. Around the walls, a canal filled with water was running and the only way to cross was over a small stone bridge, leading up to the gate.

Her father carried two large leather suitcases of her belongings while they crossed it. An antique brass doorknocker in the shape of a lion was staring back at them from the entrance and he used it to alert the ones inside of their arrival. There was a long silence, so he knocked again. This time, the gate slowly creaked open, a young man with an expression of a wise old scholar appearing before them. He was dressed in a light-grey uniform similar to Velvet's and was standing stiffly with his hands behind his back. 

"Hello. How can I help you?" he asked sternly, almost making the guests feel unwanted.

"Uhm, I brought my daughter to study here," the father said. "This is the right place, right?"

The man looked down at the girl who was already wearing her academy uniform. "I see you've already gotten our letter of acceptance. Very well. Come inside." He waved his hand, gesturing them to go ahead as he led them across an empty courtyard.

"I apologize if this place seems a little abandoned right now," their guide said as if he had read their minds. "This year's classes have concluded just over a few weeks ago and most students went home to their families. We didn't expect new students to arrive this early."

"I understand. My daughter was just very eager to come here. And your letter did say that we can come whenever we wanted, so I thought why not?"

"It's no problem. I think it will be good to give her some more time to adjust herself. But it's not nearly as lively as it usually is around here."

He guided them up a small flight of stony stairs, leading up to a large, sturdy wooden door. Velvet observed the lion statues on each side, expecting them to blink their eyes or turn towards her and greet her. But nothing happened. The stony beasts remained sitting on their pillars quiet and unmoving.

They went inside what looked like a redecorated castle, and found themselves before a pretty wide staircase covered with a red carpet. There were a few sofas to the left and right of it and a small wooden table on each side.

"Please, take a seat," their guide instructed. "We need to go over some formalities. After that, we will show your daughter to her room."

The two of them sat on a sofa each and the man pulled one out so he was facing them.
"Apologies for not introducing myself," he said, bowing his head a little. "My name is Ralph Gutfield. I am the headmaster's assistant. May I ask you what your name is, young lady?"

"Velvet," the girl responded. "Velvet Crow."

"Ah, I remember filling out your form!" The man smiled. "It's very rare that we get a cash payment for all five years in advance. Your father must be a very wealthy man."

"It was actually someone else that paid for her courses," Mister Crow quickly corrected him, the modest man he was, not wanting to take credit for other people's charity.

"Really?" Ralph turned to the girl. "Well, you must have a pretty generous benefactor then."
He picked up a paper and pen from the table before him and started writing something down.

"Miss Velvet Crow, how old are you?" he asked after a brief silence.

"I will be nine years old in a week. My birthday is on the 23rd of Jukayn." He gave off such a formal vibe that she felt like she had to try and match his professionalism, so she kept her answers short and on point.

"So it's true." He raised his eyebrow. "Barely nine years old. I thought it might have been a mistake. That is an incredibly young age to develop magic."

"They told me this is very unusual," her father chimed in. "Is it really this rare?"

"Frankly, I haven't seen anyone develop magic before at the very least twelve years old in all my years. And believe me, we've had a lot of students here at the academy. So, yes, this is highly unusual."

"I see..." He didn't seem to be satisfied with the scholar's answer. It worried him.

"But there was that other girl..." Ralph muttered more to himself than anyone else.

Velvet quickly picked up on it and got excited, however. "What other girl?!"

"It doesn't matter," he waved his hand dismissively. "You will meet her soon enough."

"Awh." The girl sat down, disappointed.

"Do you already have a staff? Or do we need to provide you one here?" he asked, turning back to the girl.

"I do! Can you take it out from the case, Dad?"

Mister Crow opened one of the two cases and pulled out the display case, placing it on the table before her. Velvet opened it eagerly and took her prized possession out. "Here it is!"

The assistant immediately recognized its unconventional nature. "Where did you get that staff, if I may ask?" He was curious.

"Oh, we just went to a local staff shop and the shopkeeper gave it to us," her father answered in her stead. "He said he wanted it in the hands of a great sorcerer and Velvet could be it."

"Whoever that man was, he is a wise one." Ralph adjusted himself in his seat. "What he gave you is one of only seventeen known adaptive staffs in existence. Our headmaster has one of them in his possession and the rest are scattered throughout Rumerra. Many of them belong to the wizards of the Council. This is one of the finest staffs out there."

The girl was looking over the item, liking it more and more each second. One of seventeen. She knew it was a great staff but had no idea it was so rare. Suddenly, the assistant stood up.

"Excuse me, but could you two wait here for a little while? I am going to see if the headmaster would care to come see you," he said, making his way towards the staircase.

"Of course," the parent answered. "We would love to meet him if he has the time."

Ascending up the stairs and to the highest floor, Ralph strode down a hallway to the very end, where a large door made of majestic oak led to the principal's office. He knocked three times and waited for a response. Nothing. He knocked three times again. Silence. Slowly he turned the knob and let himself in.

Argus Finkleshore was sleeping, laid back on his chair, his mouth agape. His long and thin goat-like beard swirled around in a spiral on the table before him. Upon the assistant's entrance, he snored himself awake. "Huh...gah...Ralph! Can't you knock, damn it?!" the old man yelled, annoyed that someone dared to disturb his afternoon nap.

"But I did knock, Sir. Several times even," he said in retort.

"If I didn't hear it, then it doesn't count as knocking!" Argus argued.

"Sir, that doesn't make any sense." Ralph was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. So he simply continued. "There is a new student here which I thought you'd want to meet."

The headmaster picked up an empty glass and a bottle from the table and poured himself a brown liquid into it, then dipped his hand into a jar and pulled out a few brown cubes, popping them into his mouth. "Do you think I have time to see every student that comes here?" he said lazily, lifting the glass up to his lips. "That is why I have you."

His assistant cleared his throat. "Sir, she's nine years old. And she carries an adaptive staff."

The old man coughed, spitting out his drink, and set the glass back on the table. He stood up immediately. "Well, why didn't you say so? Let's go see her right now. Bring me to her!"

They made their way back through the hallway and down the stairs where the father and daughter were still patiently waiting for them. The girl was polishing her staff with her sleeve.

"Why, hello there!" the headmaster said upon walking down the stairs, his voice warm and welcoming.

She looked at the old man. "Argus Finkleshore!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "It's really you!"

She has read a lot about this very man. He was the wizard of the Ardor kingdom. One of only two tier-four mages alive at present and a member of the Council of Mages. Meeting him was like meeting an idol of some sort to her.

"That would be me." He laughed, grooming his beard. "And what's your name, little girl?"

"I'm Velvet. Velvet Crow," she said walking up to the man and shaking his hand, beaming as she did so. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Argus!"

"The pleasure is mine," the aged sorcerer replied. He turned to his assistant. "Well mannered, this one! You should learn something from her Ralph." The young man only sighed at his remark. "I didn't only come down here to chat with you though, Velvet." He looked back at the girl. "I want to have a little friendly duel with you, what do you say?"

"What?!" Her father jumped from his seat.

"What?!" Ralph exclaimed in shock.

"YES! I'd love to!" The girl got excited.

"With all due respect, Sir," his assistant said, "but have you lost your mind? She's nine!"

"Ah, don't worry! It's not going to be what you think it is. Just a little test," he explained, not quelling his concerns one bit.

Leading them outside into the enormous courtyard, both men walked hesitantly behind him, Ralph doubting still if this was a good idea and the father concerned about his daughter's safety. Velvet skipped happily next to Argus, holding her staff in both hands. 

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