Chapter 12 - Off to the Elven Lands (part III)

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Meanwhile, Arianna was continuing her training back at Everdale academy. "I want to try something new," she told Argus, who once again practiced with her.

"Ho?" the old man looked at her curiously. "What do you mean, something new?"

"We've only been learning spells so far. And I know there's nothing wrong with that. But with the upcoming academy competition and the Magornis, I feel like I need to be working more toward a fighting style that fits me rather than just knowing as many spells as possible."

"I never thought I'd see the day!" he chuckled. "That is good thinking, my child! Very solid thinking! Just knowing spells is not enough. You need to learn to combine them effectively to find a casting style that suits you and you feel at home with. You're absolutely correct!"

"Right," she nodded. "But how do I do that? How do I find what fits me?"

"The answer to that question lies here," he patted his chest. "You and Velvet are like polar opposites. She uses too much of this. But you use too much of this," he pointed to his head.

"She uses her heart too much, and I use my head too much," Arianna read his message. "You're saying I need to try to think less and feel more?"

"Precisely!" Argus raised his index finger. "Magic is affected by your thoughts. But it is also affected by your emotions. Only combining both will grant you the best results. Find yourself, and you will find your fighting style. Think about what you like to do. What makes you feel at home? And then incorporate that into magic. Add your own twist to it, if you will. The same spell can be cast in many different ways. It's up to you to find the one that fits you most."

"What makes me feel at home," the girl repeated and glanced down at the staff in her hand.

"Well, I'd say that's enough for today," the old man turned around and started walking inside. He turned around after making a few steps and smiled mischievously. "Since you are asking me this, I take it I can count on you entering the competition once I announce it?"

Arianna looked back up from her staff and nodded. "I will. And I intend to win it."

"Ho, ho! Now that's the kind of attitude I like to see! I'm glad that your friend is starting to rub off on you! I will see you tomorrow for your next training session then!" Saying this, he walked off, leaving the girl standing alone on the training grounds.

I know what you're trying to do, Velvet, she thought. You want us to cover more ground to find teachers for our academy now that you have the money and are tier three. I know you are counting on me and want me to become more independent. That's why you are pushing me out of the nest, aren't you? I get it. Well, you don't have to worry. I will do my part. I promise.


Loretta spent the next few days showing Velvet around the Eldar academy. The classrooms, the dining hall, the recreation area, and the garden. Everything was grand and luxurious. Even the student's chairs were padded and made as comfortable as possible. In here, she really felt like she was some sort of royal. Unfortunately, there were also downsides to that. Most of the other elves were pretty stuck up and self-centered, thinking they were all that when in fact, their knowledge and skill in magic were average at best and utter garbage compared to that of Velvet.

Still, she was the human. The outsider. The one everyone looked at with suspicion and disdain. Not when she was around Loretta, however. Honestly, the difference in treatment she received when she was alone compared to when she was with her new friend was like night and day. Nobody even dared to not smile when the green-haired elf was around. It was as if she possessed a special kind of magic that made everyone smile and be polite as soon as they saw her. They even talked to Velvet when she was in her presence.

"You have to teach me this magic of yours," the brown-haired girl teased.

"There is no magic," Loretta replied. "I promise. And even if there were, I would consider this more a curse than a blessing, really."

"How so?"

"Everyone wants something from you," she explained. "They either want to talk to you, or spend time with you, or just be seen around you. But in the end, you still feel lonely. Because none of them want to hang out with you for what is under the pretty face. You are treated like an object. Like a prize to be won. All I ever wanted was to be treated like a friend. That's why I like hanging out with you the best. For you, I am just a friend. Exactly as it should be."

Velvet nodded understandingly. "I get it now. Don't worry; I will be the friend you wanted."
"Thank you," she smiled and looked away.

"Is there something wrong?" Velvet asked, putting a hand on her shoulder and walking around to face her.

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