Chapter 3 - Arianna, I choose you! (part II)

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Just like Arianna had foretold, in a few weeks, an announcement was made to all the fifth-year students, saying they should pick a partner for the practical part of their graduation exam. They had until the end Andayn, which was the fourth month of the year, to do so. The partner had to be someone who graduated from the same course they attended.

"This is so unfair!" Velvet yelled, standing in front of the list of available partners on the wall.

"You knew it would be like this," Arianna reminded her. "Why are you so surprised?"

"I don't know. I guess a part of me still hoped Argus would do something about it."

"Do you honestly believe he will change the rules just for you?" the blonde girl scoffed.

"Don't you dare pick a partner!" Velvet said sternly. "I am not giving up on us yet!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I've been spending a lot of time with Argus lately since he's giving me extra lessons in the afternoon," she explained. "So I am going to try to get him to make an exemption for us!"

"Well, good luck with that. I truly hope you succeed, but the chances of that are slim at best."

"I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve." Velvet smiled and winked. Feeling a pat on her shoulder, she turned around. It was Melissa, one of her classmates. She was known across the academy for one thing and one thing only — her good looks. Long, wavy blonde hair, similar to that of Arianna, but somehow even more silky smooth, blue eyes and a beautiful smile.

"Just so you know, little one, Brandon is my partner," she informed Velvet with a cold stare.

"Thanks, nobody cares," the girl with the pointy hat replied, rolling her eyes. "Goodbye!"

"Ah...rude!" Melissa grunted and flicked her hair, turning around and storming off.

"What was that?" Arianna asked her friend.

"Oh, that's just Melissa. She sucks at magic and is always getting some guy to do her homework. Now of course she wants the arguably best-looking graduate as her partner."

"No, I know who Melissa is...everyone does. I mean what's with you today?"

"I'm ticked off because they won't let me pick you as my partner, of course!" Velvet shouted.

Arianna put her hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Vel. This really isn't like you. Besides, it's not the end of the world if we can't be partners. It's just the practical exam! We can still study together, practice together and do everything else together like usual!"

"I know, I know. I just think we really work well together. We have good synergy! And that's what it's all about, isn't it? I don't want to have to get used to someone else just for this exam."

"Hey, I don't like this either," the golden-haired girl admitted. "But let's do our best regardless!"

"Oh, we will! Still, don't pick a partner just yet. I will try to make something happen."

Arianna nodded in agreement. "Alright, if you say so..."


"What an absolutely ludicrous proposal!" a bald man with a short goat beard shouted, jumping up from his seat. "Your excellence, why do we even waste time with this senile old man?!"

"Now, now, Cedric, please calm down and take your seat," a dwarf in fancy robes, standing behind a podium raised his voice. The bald man obeyed and fell silent, taking his seat again.

"My dear Argus, may I ask why you have decided to bring this trivial matter to light today?"

"These two students are extremely talented, your excellence," old Argus spoke. "I believe we are holding them back by imposing these ridiculous rules on them."

"The rules were made to protect your students," the man on the podium said in retort.

"I understand, your excellence," he responded. "However, I fully trust in their abilities."

"You trusting two teenage girls is not a very comforting reason, wouldn't you agree?"

"May I interrupt, your excellence?" a man with pitch-black hair, sitting at the far end of the table raised his hand. Out of his hair, two long grey horns grew, and his face was covered with a short, neatly trimmed beard. The room turned towards him as his dark-red eyes peered back at them, radiating a calm coolness that almost made him frightening to look at.

"First Advisor Korvak Greyscale," the important figure at the podium addressed him formally, "you may speak your mind on this matter if you so wish. The word is yours!"

"Thank you, your excellence, Grand Magus Tolpenheim," he returned the formality and stood up, the golden details on his dark purple robes shining in the dim-lit room where the Council of Mages held its session. "I wish to know more about these girls you speak of, Argus."

"Oh, gladly!" The headmaster of Everdale Academy was happy to speak of his prized students.

"So Velvet and Arianna...they both received their marks at an astoundingly young age," he started. "Their immense talent and potential are undeniable! Throughout the course of their studies, they have maintained their growth and are now far ahead of their respective classes."

"You said they received their marks at a very young age," Korvak interrupted him. "What age exactly are we talking about here? Twelve, eleven maybe?"

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