Chapter 10 - Strange happenings (Part I)

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"Dear Arianna!

You're right—I should definitely honor Grogar's memory. Which is why I've decided to stay and finish what we started. I will find that ursa major that killed him and finish it off myself!
Don't worry, though, I will train rigorously before that! No ursa will bring me down!
They will be hibernating over the winter now anyways and only start waking up in spring. By that time, my magic will be even stronger, so I will be ready! Wish me luck!

As for the fairies, their names were Trix and Pix. And they are totally not like what you would expect them to be! Also, they can use pure magic in a different way than we do! Trix didn't tell me much so far, but she said she will bring me some books from the fairy library to study! I'm so excited! There are other uses to pure magic we don't even know yet! I can't wait to learn more about it! And more about fairies! Oh, but don't tell anyone...I promised them.


What do you mean the student council president is acting strange? In what way?"

2nd of Dokayn, 53

"Dear Velvet!

No, that's not what I meant by honoring his memory! Please don't go chasing after that beast on your own, it's super dangerous! Why are you doing this to me? I can't really stop you from doing what you want to do, can I? And it doesn't feel right either. So with a heavy heart, I will trust that everything will be alright. Not much else I can really do from all the way here.

Fairies can use pure magic? That's very interesting. Keep me posted if you find anything new about it! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me.

About the student council president. His name is Magnus and he's a very sweet guy. Well, he was. I talked to him a lot during my initiation and he showed me the ropes and the projects they have been working on so far. Everything seemed amazing between me and him and we got along really well——until about one month ago, that is.

Suddenly, his attitude changed completely and he started forgetting conversations we had, as if we never talked about these things! For example, I know for a fact he told me that he had a sister named Aurelia, but now he all of a sudden didn't remember her name when we talked a few weeks ago. At first I thought it was just him being tired or not getting enough sleep, but it's been happening again and again lately, with different topics. It's like he's not even the same person. He doesn't find the same things funny anymore; he doesn't like to do the same things he used to; he doesn't even seem to care about the student council anymore! All he does these days is walk around the academy aimlessly as if he lost something and is trying to find it.

When I asked him about it, he just said "It's none of your business!" and ran off. I find this very strange and I've already informed the teachers about it, but so far none of them think it's something we should be concerned about. I disagree. From now on, I will be watching him more carefully to see if I can find anything out. I will keep you updated if I do.

Stay safe,

17th of Dokayn, 53

"Dear Arianna!

Not a lot has been happening here lately. Killed some frost giants and frost wolves, caught some snow rabbits, and did a bunch of other tasks which aren't even worth mentioning. Uncle Grogar taught me really well and all these things seem easy to me now! Maybe it's also because my magic has gotten stronger lately. I used my spare time to practice more and I think it's showing. Currently, I am also working on a mythical transformation: Chalkydry!
In case you don't know what that is, Chalkydry is a mythical creature of light that has a lion's body and a dragon's head. And two sets of feathered wings, so it can fly! Pretty cool, right?! Once I learn this, we can fly together——you as a dragon and me as...this thing. I can't wait!

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