Chapter 14 - The Magornis (Part II)

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But Velvet had already run out the door and ascended the staircase to the above deck to see what all the fuss was about. Hesitating for a moment, Loretta decided to follow her. A decision she would soon regret. They arrived at the upper level, where royal archers were already shooting arrows at the attackers. Spells were also flying, Miss Pampleton and headmaster Winkleshaw at the forefront, shielding the archers from the incoming projectiles while a few other royal mages joined them. Above their heads, dwarves on giant black birds were circling, throwing bottles with some sort of flammable liquid on the deck and setting the sails on fire. Not far away, three smaller ships could be seen sailing toward them, their pitch-black sails carrying them forward with great speed.

"It really is pirates!" the princess exclaimed, turning left and right frantically and searching for her family members. They were probably hidden below deck somewhere, like the rest of the non-military crew. The three warships positioned themselves between the pirate ships and their ship, effectively soaking up their attacks and reducing the incoming arrows significantly.

"Only the crow-riders can still reach us!" Priscilla shouted. "Focus them and pick them off!"

The archers and mages obeyed her command, aiming their bows and staves up in the air and trying to hit the dwarves circling above them. However, hitting fast-moving targets like that was very difficult, and practically none of their attacks hit their mark, giving the bird-riding pirates free reign over the skies.

"It's no good!" headmaster Winkleshaw exclaimed. "We need to get up there, Priscilla!"

"Did you forget?!" she yelled in retort. "I don't have any flying transformation available!"

Miss Pampleton had three types of magic at her disposal, but they were earth, water, and darkness, respectively. Darkness magic was the only one of those three that had any transformation that could fly. But the only strong one was the Darkness Dragon.

"Have you still not learned that damned dragon transformation?!" he shouted at her.

"I know it!" the elf replied. "Not confident enough to use it, though! I could lose control!"

"Damn it, I have to do everything myself!" the headmaster yelled in frustration. "How can you call yourself a member of the Council and not know the Darkness Dragon?!"

He ran to a more open space and spread his hands. "Transformation: Fire Dragon!"

Flames engulfed the man and his body started changing rapidly. A red dragon was standing in his place not a few seconds later, its wings spanning almost across half the deck.

"Hop on!" it turned its head toward his assistant, and Pricilla ran forward, jumping on its back. Not wasting a second, the dragon took off to the skies, breathing fire at the crow-riders while the elf on his back was hurling spells at them. They worked together to take them out.

"AMAZING!!!" Velvet couldn't believe her eyes. She just saw two Council members in action and was utterly taken aback by their performance. "I wanna help too!"

"No! Let's get back down!" Loretta pulled on Velvet's jacket. But it simply slid off her shoulders, and she fell back, rolling down the stairs they just came up and hitting her head. "Ow!"

"You all right?" the girl with the pointy hat turned back. "Sorry, I don't really wear my jacket most of the time! I just sort of throw it over my shoulders like a cape!"

"I noticed that!" the princess grunted from below. "I'm fine...mostly..."

"Good! Stay put; I'm getting in on the action!" she shouted and ran off.

"In on the action?! Are you crazy?!"

The elf's calls fell on deaf ears. Velvet was already running across the deck, looking for where she could get a good hit on one of the many crow-riders circling above them. She put out a few smaller fires with her water magic along the way before she decided to start retaliating. Light magic is the fastest magic there is! They may be able to avoid arrows and other spells, but they won't be able to dodge light!

Thinking this, she aimed her hand up and shot a Piercing Ray at a crow. It croaked and began to fall, tumbling onto the deck together with the person on its back.

"RAAARRRGHH!" the dwarf let out a battle cry, drawing his sword and lunging at the girl. "Light Veil!" Velvet exclaimed, and he slashed through thin air. He looked around, a bit confused when a Light Nova hit him and exploded, engulfing him in a bright light. When he fell to the floor unconscious, the young witch reappeared, wearing a smug expression.

"Too easy!" she said and glanced up at the sky. "But taking them down one by one like this is too slow. I need to take it up a notch and really let them have it! Transformation: Chalkydry!"

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