6. The Tailor

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He actually sat next to Jongho for breakfast, to everyone's general surprise. They wouldn't become best friends just like that, but Seonghwa would certainly not complain about him being nice.

Or pretending, he couldn't care less actually. Hongjoong was not present this time, but nobody seemed to be bothered by it.

He used the opportunity to look around the table. Jongho was occupied giving his fiancé heart eyes, while said fiancé was in a deep conversation with Wooyoung.

About the garden, if he heard correctly. Yunho apparently participated in a starring contest with the other hellhound over the table, neglecting the plate in front of him.

He had no idea what this was about, maybe a hound thing he wasn't aware of, since he had never met any other than Yunho.

San was shamelessly starring at him; he hadn't figured out yet why he did that. It was the same on the day before, but he chose to ignore it.

"Mingi?" He wasn't intending to break their fierce starring duel, but he wanted to talk to him about something. It was also not his intention to make his head snap up, looking at him with his big puppy eyes.

"I won..." Yunho's voice was not louder than a whisper, but he still picked it up. He felt bad, but they could battle each other again another time.

"Yes, your highness?" Seonghwa sighed. "Your king indicated that you might be able to finish our tour through the castle after breakfast?"

Mingi's face immediately brightened again. "I'd be honored!" In the corner of his eye, he could see how Yunho rolled his eyes. Annoyed, might I add.

Seonghwa didn't dwelled on it too much, as Mingi had his full attention. It was rather cute how his tail started wagging underneath the table, constantly hitting Sans leg, as soon as he mentioned the tour.

How could he ever have felt intimidated by him? San simply busied one of his hands, trying to keep his tail away, two of his other hands gesturing to something he was telling Jongho over the table.

But the dragon just nodded along, not even paying attention at all. "I assume Wooyoung, and Yunho won't join us?"

He looked at his servants, both looking at him now after hearing their names. Wooyoung somewhat bored, Yunho shocked.

"I would like to request some time with Yeosang. I can always look around on my own." Seonghwa nodded, he didn't really need Wooyoung around, if he had something to busy himself with.

Back at home, Wooyoung rarely left his side, apart from playing petty pranks on the other servants. He was simply bored there, his task to serve the prince also not the most exciting.

Seonghwa was glad he found something he was so passionate about, who was he to take that away from him?

Yunho on the other hand didn't look pleased at all. "Why wouldn't I?" Seonghwa sighed. "I just assumed. You are welcome to go with us."

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