Occam's razor

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"CBC was unremarkable. Abdominal CT scan didn't show anything, so, people, differential diagnosis. What's wrong with her?"

"Him" Cameron correct dad.

"Him, her. Does it matter? Does anyone think it's a testicular problem? So, Chase?"

"Yersinia infection?" Chase shrugs

"No. You wouldn't get the rash or couch. What about arthritis? Accompanying vasculitis causes nerve damage." Foreman suggest.

"It wouldn't the blood pressure problems. Allergy?" Cameron asks

"The kid's got abdominal pain. Maybe carcinoid?" Chase looks at dad.

"No, but then you wouldn't get the.."
Foreman is cut of by loud smack of encyclopaedia that dad dropped next to him on the table.

"Foreman, if you're going to list all the things it's not, it might be quicker to do it alphabetically. Let's see, now. Absidia. Excellent. Doesn't account for any of the symptoms."

"No condition accounts for all these symptoms" Cameron looks at dad.

"Good. Because I thought maybe he was sick, but, apparently, he's not. Who wants to do up the discharge papers" dad sighs "Unless we control the blood pressure, he's gonna start circling the drain before we can figure out what's wrong with him. Treat him for sepsis, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and I want a Cort Stim test and an echocardiogram."


"It's got to be viral. We should start running gels and titers." Foreman looks from microscope.

"Maybe we should look into the girlfriend's theory. She thinks she rode him to death" Foreman chuckles at Chase's statement

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her 22-year-old men don't die of sex." Chase smile

I drifted to my mind so I couldn't hear Cameron and Chase's bickering.

"We should stop the antibiotics." Foreman suggest.

"Don't you think it's too early for that we won't know the effect?" I ask Foreman and he shakes his head.

"They're having an effect." That catches everyone attention "His BP,s falling fast. There's fluid filling his lungs. His Creatinine is rising... His kidneys are shutting down. Our treatment isn't making him better. It's killing him."


After consultation we agreed that we started treating Brandon with hypothyroidism. Cameron came from Brandon's room and we joined to her.

"Did you tell the family House's theory?" Chase ask

"Two odd conditions striking completely coincidentally at the exact same time." Cameron ignores Foreman's comment.

"I didn't phrased it quite that way."

"They agreed to treatment?" Chase ask

"Of course they did. We're doctor's. They believe whatever we tell them.. so, is that our job? House's puppets?
He comes up with an insane idea, we get to pretend it's not?" I roll eyes at Foreman's drama queen comment.

"His insane ideas are usually right. No offensive. We've been here long enough to.." Cameron tries defend dad but Foreman cuts her of

"We've been here long enough to have Stockholm syndrome." Foreman's comment make us smile and Cameron scoff.

"What, because we don't hate him? He thinks outside the box. Is that so evil?" Chase explains.

"He has no idea where is the box is. If you guys think he's right, go home, relax. Just wait for the kid to get all better. I am going to the lab to test for viral infections."

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