The scratic Method

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"A 38 year old woman with no previous symptoms or history present with deep vein thrombosis. How did she get it?" Dad looks at us.

"Oral contraceptives, smoking, diabetes, obesity. What's the point here? A DVT is a DVT. Put her on IV Heparin to prevent future clots." Foreman shake his head.

"Fine. You're all sleepy. You need a clue." Dad circle a 38 years on white board.

"She's too young" I say and sneeze.

"Bless you" I thank Chase.

"Exactly she's 20 years too young to get a deep vein thrombosis." Dad puts
The marker down.

"I treated a 12 year old girl once, a soccer player. She got kicked in the leg.." Before Foreman can continue dad interrupts him.

"There was no trauma." I sneeze " None of the risk factors." Dad looks at me and I smile nervously.

"You took history?" Cameron sits next to me.

"I have some notes." I raise eyebrow "they're not mine but reliable, I think, for the purposes of this discussion. As for the immobility, well, she's real active right now, of course. Paranoia keeps her limber." I sneeze again and everyone looks at me.

"Paranoia?" Foreman ask Ironically.

"Oh, yeah. She's schizophrenic." Dad lifts some diary " And her kid wrote this, so it might be a little biased. You know, having to take care of his nutso mom and all. You think there's connection?" Cameron slightly shakes her head, Chase lift one eyebrow, Foreman shrugs and I sneeze.
"Do we include schizophrenia in the differential for DVT?"

"Well.." My head starts to play. It's like a heart beating. Everytime it hit I feel pain.

"The answer is no." Dad cuts off Foreman. "Abnormal dopaminergic pathways in the brain do not cause blood clots. Schizophrenia is not the cause of DVT." I put my head into my hands and try to block the pain."


"You don't look well"

"Geez thanks. Every women want to hear that from man" I say slightly irritated.

"Sorry" Chase puts his hands up.

I bit my lip to not scream from the pain. I feel metallic taste and realize I bit too hard to draw a blood. My headache got a more worse. I squeeze my eyes.

"He's really talking to patient?" Foreman ask Chase as he looks at the room of the patient.

"Of course he talks to the patient! He's human! He have a mouth to talk!" I snap at Foreman and he looks suprised at my yelling Chase too.

"I didn't mean to say that he's not human" Foreman frows.

"Oh, sure!" I feel hot, it's like my body caught on fire. "The great doctor Foreman didn't have any ironicall or sarcastic remark!" I start to breath heavily.

"Are you alright?" Foreman looks at me from toe to head.

"Oh, I am fantastic!" My vision starts to be blurry.

"Do you want some water?"

I start to hear that annoying sound of Screech. I hear some voices but doesn't register them. I start to feel lightweighted. Dots starts to form and finally my legs gives out. Someone catches me before I black out.


I slowly open my eyes and immediately closes them, from the lights. I adjust to the light and look to the left to see Wilson.

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