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"Purulent Sputum, dyspnea, rhonchi bilaterally. What kind of pneumtcauses this kind of rash?" Dad asked without turning to look at us

"Legionnaire's disease" Robert said.

"Usually means industrial ventilation systems, convention centers. He's 12 years old" Cameron said

"Send off a urine antigen and check if he's joined the Elks. Next?" Dad asked.

"Fungal" I readjusted my glasses

"Excellent. Maybe the lodge went spelunking" He mocked me

"Chlamydia pneumonia" I raised eyebrow at Foreman's option.

"12 year olds doesn't have sex" I said.

"Their mistake" I rolled eyes at dad's statement. "That's it? Other possibilities?"

"What if we're thinking about this backwards?" Robert's option made dad think.

"The rash came first, caused the pneumonia. Nice"

"Rickettsial. Tick bite. Nymphal ticks are out now. They're bloodthirsty little bastards"

"Lice too, but season is on the fall for these bastards." I said and scratched my head.

"Rash would be more pustular" Foreman inform.

"Not always, and there's only one rash, which fits."

"New Jersey, it's most likely Lyme Disease." Cameron said.

"All right. Let's keep him on fluids and the cefuroxime to be safe. Biopsy that rash and take another history. Even if we don't learn what's causing this, we definitely need to know if 12 year olds are gettin any action." Dad send us out.


"They start liking the smart guys" I hear Australian doctor.

"Maybe that's why I choose you" I said when I stood next to him.

"See" he pointed at me. "Now I'm dating this woman. Who's my boss daughter" I put money in the vending machine and took bag of candy.

"Don't forget about our lunch" I said and kissed him on cheek before I left


I ran into some older man and fell on my butt.

"Ow!" I put hand on my now healthy nose but that impact still hurt.

"I'm sorry let me help you" I accepted his stretched hand and he helped me up. Then he picked up my glasses and gave them to me.

I put them on and dusted myself "I should probably apologize. I'm the one who ran into you"

"It's alright, I'm looking for Robert Chase. Do you know where he is?"
The elderly man asked.

"Yeah, actually I'm heading right now that way." I started leading him to board room.
"Why do you want to talk with him?"

"You are curious one" He gave me a small smile. "Curiosity killed Cat"

"Well, when someone ask for my boyfriend. I am curious"

"You are dating?"

"Yes, only few weeks almost one month." I smiled.

"What's your name?"

"I'm sorry! My name is Victoria House. Dr. Victoria House... Oh look we are here!" I pushed the glass door open. To see Robert ready to walk out.

"Robert there's some man who wants to talk to you" I said as he turned around.

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