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"32 year old female, paralysis and severe pain in her right quad. Go" Dad gave us green

"How'd she get to you?" Foreman first question was.

"She's the CEO of Sonyo Cosmetics. Three assistants and 15 VPs checked out who should be treating her. Who da man? I da man. I always suspected."

"Dr. House, I know chances are very slim, but I'm sure you recognize, that she may have what you had, a clot in her thigh." Cameron said in soft voice.

Robert scoffed "A bit of long shot."

"What about a disc herniation?" Foreman asked.

"I don't know, Eric. If her disc were herniated, she'd present with pain elsewhere, wouldn't she?" Cameron sat on chair next to Robert. Foreman looked taken aback that she called him by his name instead of Foreman.

"Yeah, I suppose. You're right."

"A clot's also the most deadly, right, Robert?"

Robert paused for a few seconds "True. The clot breaks off, she could stroke and die."

"Victoria?" Shit!

"Ummm.... I suppose?" I gave her an awkward smile.

"Dr. House, I believe that they're right..."

"Stop talking" dad interupted her.


"You read one of those negotiating books, didn't you? Getting to yes. 59 ways to win an argument. Hitchhiker's guide to being a Pal. In five seconds, you just manipulated these two into agreeing with your point of view, meanwhile Victoria just stepped back to let you win this round. She always steps back in stress and the conclusion she had a few weeks ago doesn't help much.
Fellas, this is known as soft positional bargaining. It's not gonna work." Dad looked at me. "You should read that book"

"Dr. House, are you saying that she doesn't have a clot, or are saying that of she does have a clot, she doesn't need blood thinners and an angiogram?"

"Chase, put her on blood thinners. Do an angiogram. When that comes back negative, MRI the spine. If that's clean, cut her open and biopsy the leg."

"Excellent suggestion."

"Read less, more TV."


"I can't believe you've managed to convince me" I said as I fixed my hair.

"What? Don't say you didn't liked that adrenaline" Robert said as he put on his lab coat

I've put on my lab coat. "Wait" I fixed Robert's hair and patted his chest. "Now we can go"

I opened door and quickly got out Robert did the same. I closed the janitor doors.

I felt slap on my ass, I turn to playfully swat Robert. But he only chuckled "I couldn't help myself" he put in air his hands.


"You get any read on the new chairman of the board?" Robert asked when dad came to board room.

"Yeah, he took your parking space" Foreman comment only made Robert snort.

"It's not necessarily bad news." That was stupid sentence Cameron.

"Do you ever watch 'Gilligan's Island ' reruns, and really, really think they're gonna get off the island this time?" Good one Foreman.

"We should introduce ourselves. It couldn't hurt"

Oh hell no!

"Make him a bundt cake. A patient hit a 10 on the pain scale. What would explain that?" Dad said with coffee in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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