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First I wanna thank Idobesimping and MeganmarthaWilliamso for rating my story 🤗. Anyway Do you like Victoria's best friend Timothy?


"Where's House?"

"What I know? I don't babysitting him. And the roles should been reversed he should babysit me" I flip to new page.

"Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone?"

"Yeah, I am almost at the end. I don't think it's professor Snape." The last sentence I say to myself.

"I rather watch it then read it" Chase goes to kitchen counter. "Cameron said that you had a visitor" I look at Chase with one eyebrow lifted.

"Geez, I wonder why almost everyone knows everything, when they don't gossip" I close my book.

"So, did you had a good night with your boyfriend?" Chase rips little too aggressively package of sugar to his coffee.

"First, where did you get that boyfriend? Second, good night is when I have hot cocoa with marshmallow while reading. Third, Timothy is gay anddd None has ever asked me on a date. So I am still enjoying a single life." I shrug and give Chase a sad smile.

"Wait. None has ever invited you on date?" Chase ask in disbelief. "Why?"

"A lot of people thinks I am weird, Only Timothy wanted ever be my friend. Timothy and I met in a class. The classes were for me too easy, so they gave me a option take other classes or become a tutor. I took the first option. And in the first class I met Timothy thanks to my clumsiness. I tripped on a step and spilled my bubble tea on him. It fallen into his lap, he was wearing that day a white jeans. The bubble tea was red btw and he looked like he got it. I was scared that he will yell at me but he didn't instead he started laughing and said

"And now I have a proof when they say that I am acting like I am on a period!"

Then he got me up from the floor and made me sit beside him. And that's how our friendship started" I end it with a smile


Now I know why dad has this chair it's fun to just only spin. Foreman Shakes his head in disbelief at me, Cameron just only smiles. Chase is having a napping time across from me in chair.

Dad comes in and throws a book to Chase lap. This action makes Chase jumps and wake up, few times blinks.

"Get up. We're going hunting." Dad limps to me.

"For what?" Foreman ask.



I blink few times. "Sorry. Wrong room" I state and try to get fast out of room where they're just giving a birth.

"We'll see you later." Chase follows me out of the room.

"12 rooms, right? That's it?"

"Yep" Chase close the doors. "We've definitely checked the whole floor." I stand by dad, Foreman and Cameron. Chase come to us. "Good news. No epidemic."

"Tragic, huh?" Foreman looks at dad.
Dad ignores him and looks at elevator then us.

"Overflow rooms, third floor." Dad limps to the elevator.

"This imaginary infection has spread to the next floor?" Foreman ask Ironically while looking at us.


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