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"Kid's going to be dead in a matter of days if we don't figure out why is his red blood cells are disintegrating. So, differential diagnosis, people" dad said.

"Well, it's not environmental. Dad hired a company to clean the house, maid washed all the clothes, bought hypoallergenic sheets and pillows."
Foreman states.

"You want us to re-check?" Robert asked

"No. If it's environmental, he'll get better just from staying here." Dad said and I silently agreed.

"It could be an infection." Foreman reply.

"No fever. No white count." Cameron informed him.

"Well, he's 99.2."

"Barely above normal."

"But above. His body's reacting to something."

"We should account for the lack of fever and white count if it's lupus"

"Drugs will fit just as much as lupus. Meth will cause hemolytic anemia" Robert joined conversation.

"A lot of Meth." Cameron said

"Also, doesn't exactly seem like the type." Foreman said.

"Because his dad drives a Porsche?
Rich kids do drugs just like poor kids, and she drives Audi!" Robert pointed at me. This made everyone looks at me.

"How come you have Audi?" I gave all of them awkward smile. "Anyways, Didn't mean to offend you." Foreman said to Robert.

"Okay! So it's infection, lupus, drugs or cancer." Dad gave us options.

"Cancer?" Cameron asked.

"Why not? Great meeting" He said before he started limping to the doors.

"Shouldn't we narrow it down before we finish?"

"My leg gave us till 11:15. I'll talk to Wilson about lymphoma, ANA lupus, radioimmunoassay for drugs, and you test for whatever you thought it was. I've got a date with a pharmacist" That's the last thing we heard from him before he left.

I put my arms in the air. "Why I am even here when he goes to Wilson?"

"How come you have Audi?" I looked at Foreman.

"Birthday present?" I shoot glare at Robert for saying that. "Technically it is birthday present that she is supposed to get next week."


"Do you ever want kids?" I stoped chewing and looked at him. I gulped.

"Yeah, three" I took a sip of my latte. "You?"

"Atleast two... Boy or girl?" I leaned to my chair and looked at him.

"You aren't planning on getting me pregnant right?" I gave him a nervous laugh.

"No!" He shook his head "Just a question."

"One boy two girls" I said and gave him smile.

"Two girls and one boy?" I nodded.

"So I could have these moments when my son bring his first girlfriend or boyfriend so I could embarrass him"
I smirked. "But before children I want to be married"


"So I could fit in the dress"


"Nothing?" Dad asked

"Nothing" Cameron confirmed

"Negative for drugs. ANA was negative. Gallium scan was clear" Robert started explaining but dad cut him off.

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