Damned If You Do

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Bruh I wrote this episode while summer holidays!


"I heard that Chase invited you on a date" Cameron raise eyebrow and smile.

"It was not a date!" I roll my eyes.
"It was a dinner with friend"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay! Why does everyone thinks it's date?" I readjust my glasses and fold my arms.

"You don't see how Chase looks at you?" Cameron ask curiously.

I stop at my pace and looks at her. "How he looks at me?.. He looks at me same like on dad." I shrug and Cameron sighs.

"I don't think that Chase looks at House because he's beutiful." I snort.
"Most of the time he looks at you when you are in your own world" confusion can be seen on my face.
"You know when you read book, you ignore other things you are in your own La la land."

"Just for your information my La la land relaxes me..."

"Okay... How come you have that big house but no car?"

I have car just don't think that Lamborghini can fit next to others car without any suspicion.

"It's in the service" I give her a nervous smile.


"Her hands were red and swollen. Maybe she has a skin infections. Cellulitis?" Cameron looks to the folders "That could manifest with tachycardia."

"There's no history fever. Results from CBC didn't indicate an infection." Foreman looks at Cameron.

"The eosinophils are mildly elevated. Sed rate's up a bit. Could we be looking at a systemic allergic response?" Cameron looks at dad.

"It's not allergic. Allergies don't cause cardiac arrest like this. Could be inflammation of the blood vessels."
Dad states.

"Vasculitis? That wouldn't give you an evelated eosinophils count." Foreman looks confused at dad.

"Churg-Strauss vasculitis world. The blood vessels of the heart, lungs and skin become inflamed, causing the asthma rash and heart problems," Cameron opens door to our lounge. " Cover all her symptoms." Dad goes first in and Cameron is next and them we all go in.

"You need a biopsy diagnose." Cameron says.

"Chest CT would be quicker." Chase ads.

"The lady just came in with a rash." Foreman inform us. Dad stops and looks at the table where is a full bowl with candy canes.

"What the hell are those?" Dad looks disgusted at the candy cane.

"Candy canes" Cameron looks confused at dad. While me and Chase grab one.

"Candy canes? Are you mocking me?"
Dad looks at Cameron. Chase sits and I lean on the table with candy cane in my mouth.

"No. It's Christmas, and I... I thought" Cameron starts to panic.

"Relax. It's a joke." I roll my eyes at dad's scene. Poor Cameron he made her think that he is angry.

"Isn't the prognosis for Churg-Strauss a bit grim?" Foreman ask to distract Cameron from what happened.

"Yeah. Untreated, only 33% of patients survive past a year. Treated, five years." Cameron still slightly panicked answer.

"Then I definitely suggest treatment." Dad starts to pour coffee.

"If it was any othe attending doctor, I'd say that he made a mistake and gave her too much epinephrine." I lift eyebrow at Foreman's answer.

"Saying you wouldn't say it was my mistake is saying that it was my mistake." Dad realize what Foreman meant.

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