Sports medicines

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"None of the usual suspects. Age isn't right, in apparent perfect health before this incident, MRI and PET scan negative for tumors" Robert closed the folds.

"Test him again. It's gotta be cancer." Cameron Push it.

"Why I am even here when everybody are Oncologist?" I asked and throw my hands in the air. "And it's not cancer."

"Sorry I'm late. Car broke down on the interstate." Foreman said when he came.

Dad looked down at his watch and back to him. "Don't believe you. CHEM-7 also shows a poor kidney function. Now, why would a guy in his 20s have a poor kidney function?"

"Cancer. It first attacks the bones, and ten the kidneys." I raise eyebrow at Cameron. Is it only me or does she want to take my spot?

"Come on, people. He was 17-7. His ERA was 2.1." dad waved with some collective cards.

"You want it to be his kidneys, because if it's his kidneys, then maybe we can treat it, maybe we can fix it. And if it's cancer, then he'll never pitch again. If this were a regular guy who came in and broke his arm lifting a box, you would've packed him up and sent him home."

"My god, you're right. I lost my head. All life is equally sacred. And I promise you, the next knitting injury that comes in here, we're on it like stink on cheese" Robert and I smiled at dad's sarcasm. "He weighted 175 his rookie year."

(79kg if you don't know how that system works. Don't worry I don't know too)

Cameron crossed her arms. "Stop"

"Now he's 195 after playing a year in Japan. Why?"


"He let himself go."

"Drugs" I said and took a sip of my latte.

"Steroids. The guys was drug user. I'm sure he wouldn't have balled at pumping up through chemicals." Foreman made himself cup of coffee.

"That'd explain the weight gain and the kidney problems." Robert said.

"And the bone loss. Go ask him what's he's on. When he says 'nothing', have him pee in a cup." Dad said and me and Robert left.


"Don't even think about it!" I said with laught.

"What?" Robert put on innocent face.

"I know how you are about collecting celebrity stuffs. That's why my autograph from Stan Lee is hidden" I said. "How much do you think people would pay for his pee?"

"I don't know more than 2000?" He said as he looked at the pee.


"Hi. I'm Dr. House. And this is the coolest day of my life." Dad said to Hank Wiggen. Then he took off blanked. I immediately looked to the floor when we found out he is naked.
"See? Steroids use shrinks the testicles."

"I'm clean, man." Hank said and put on the blanket. "No steroids, no nothing.

"Your lips say no, your prunes say yes. Hypogonadism. Isn't that a great word? Thanks. We don't get to say it nearly enough. Start him on Lupron right away." After that dad left.


"Osteopenia messing his bones up. Hypogonadism, impaired liver function, kidney function. And we have managed to find the only professional athlete in the galaxy who is not on steroids. And it's not cancer. So what's killing him? Who shares my suspicions that the Yankees were somehow involved?"

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