Chapter 1

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A young man, around 17 years old, looked out of the snowy mountains of Kanto, he had short, raven-black hair and was about 6.2 feet tall and had a slight muscular built body.

He was wearing a long black cape that reached to his feet and had a hood covered over his head. His clothing looked very odd, if he had been in a crowd of people, but now he was alone, and he liked it that way. But it's wrong to say that he was completely lonely, on his right shoulder sat a little yellow rodent.

"Four years Pi," said the young man. "I can't believe that it has already gone four years." His voice was deep but clear.

"Pika, pikachu PikaPi." The yellow rodent, Pikachu, answered him.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do next Pi, I mean. It's not like we have a home to go to, not anymore." He added with a sigh.

"Pika pi chu?" the Pikachu replied.

"No, I don't regret what I did, it was the right thing to do, wasn't it?" The seventeen year old asked.

Pikachu just nodded its head in agreement.

The young man looked down at the letter again, he had read it a few times before after that Pidgey came and delivered it. But he did it again now.

Dear Mr. Ash Ketchum

You have been nominated to participate in the Top Battle Competition.

Ash frowned, he knew that almost anyone could nominate anybody to the tournament, all that you needed to have were a pokemon. But he continued reading the letter.

Due to your absence we have no idea if you can come or not. If this letter reach you you'll be needed to report your entry at a local Pokemon Center. At the Pokemon Center you will receive the rest of the information.

Have a nice day

Mr. Charles Goodshow.

The letter didn't end there, or in a way it did. Next came a handwriting part.

I certainly hopes that this letter will reach you, I need to discuss with you about that thing, meet me at the Viridian Forest the 3 days after the next month.

Best regards


Ash couldn't help but smile when he read the last part of the letter. "It's good to know that he's still alive and active." Ash thought.

It's was the second day after this month, it meant that tomorrow Scott would be waiting for him at the Viridian Forest.

"Do you think I should go Pi?" He asked his loyal friend.

"Pikachu!" It replied to his master with a slightly annoyed tone.

"I know that it's my decision, but remember that you battle for me and I don't want to force you to do something that you maybe not want to do!" Ash said and slightly raised his voice.

"Pika cu PikaPi!"

"You say that it doesn't matter what I say, you will follow me wherever I go?" Ash asked, even if he didn't need to because he understood every word Pikachu said at this time.

"Pika!" It said and tried to do a little salute with it's paw.

"Thanks buddy." Ash said with a slight of pride of his pokemon in his voice. "I think we should give it a try." He said and headed back to the cave.

The cave he was staying in at the moment went deep into the mountain, but there were no pokemon in it except his own. Ash went to his backpack and started to pack it, he took a look on his pokéballs.

There they were, all of his 26 pokemon, including Pikachu. He automatic went through all his pokemon in his head. "Pikachu, Staraptor, Torterra, Gliscor, Infernape, Floatzel, Kingler, Muk, Tauros, Snorlax, Heracross, Typhlosion, meganium, Feraligatr, Noctowl, Donphan, Crawdaunt, Sceptile, Torkoal, Swellow, Glalie, Blastoise, Charizard, Pidgeot and his last caught pokemon, only a year has he had him and he's one of the strongest in his team.

He thought back to his pokemon, They had all, except Pikachu, evolved to their last evolution. Even Bulbasaur, they did it because they wanted to help him, according to them. He remembered how he only could take one Tauros with him since 30 of them would be too much for him to handle.

He also remembered when Pidgeot and Charizard came flying to him just after he had left his old life behind him, he remembered the tearful reunion. He also remembered when Squirtle came running to him through the woods three months after he met up with Charizard and Pidgeot.

He remembered that he nearly hadn't finished to explain why they left to his pokemon before they all said in their own way that they should follow him to the end of the world and even farther. Ash slightly laughed when he remembered Muk's body all over him and Torkoal with tears running down his face and the dancing little Totodile.

He shook the thoughts off his head and packed the pokeballs down to his bags. Except he attached Charizard, Sceptile, Infernape, Feraligatr, Glalie and of course Pikachu's pokeballs on his belt. He still used the just-six-pokemon-with-you rule... in his own way.

He walked out of the cave and threw a pokeball in the air and yelled "I choose you Charizard!" The big red lizard roared when he exited his pokeball.

"Charizard, I need you to fly me to the Viridian Forest, can you do that?"

Charizard roared once again in approval.

"Thanks, let's go Pi!" He said. The little rodent jumped on his right shoulder and Ash mounted Charizards back.

Charizard took of and accelerated with a speed that would put the law of gravity to shame. "So it's finally the time for me to return." Ash thought a moment and chuckled slightly before he said: "OK Pi, It's time for the Return of the Forgotten!", "Pi PikaPi!" Pi cheered in a high tone and Charizard roared again in approval.

"So it begins..." Ash thought as they continued fly to the Viridian Forest.

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