Chapter 14

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May's eyes opened slowly, she stretched herself and yawned.

"Slept good May?" Came a voice from the redheaded gym leader Misty.

"Yeah." May said tiredly. "But not enough."

May slowly began to crawl under the covers again, just to be dragged out from the bed by a blue- and a redhead.

"You can't sleep now May!" Dawn said excited. "You promised to explain what happened between you and Ash yesterday!"

May nodded and thought back to the memories from last night.

"Fine," She then said. "but I don't want to hear you tease me or something like that when I'm done!"

The two girls didn't respond her. May sighed and began.

"We got to the park, it was very beautiful. We didn't say anything to each other, but then we both tried to talk at the same time..."

May interrupted herself as she gave Dawn an annoyed look about the sound and expression on the face she made.

"Anyway." She started. "I called out Glaceon and she and Pikachu started to play, then Glaceon ran away and I had to follow her."

May didn't want to say that Ash had told her that she looked beautiful. She didn't want that for three reasons, the first was that Misty and Dawn would never stop teasing her if they found out. The second was that she wasn't sure that Ash wanted her to tell them. The third was that she wasn't sure that he really had said that, she barley heard him talk.

"What happened next?" Misty asked and interrupted May from her thoughts.

"Well," May began. "Glaceon ran away and I followed her. We ran for a while until she stopped. Then suddenly she got hit by a Flamethrower from the bushes, knocking her out."

Dawn and Misty gasped and looked on at May with worry, but May still had her little smile on.

"A man came out and wanted to steal my pokemon, he had lost a bet or something and had nothing left. I didn't really get everything he was saying, he was kinda drunk.

I tried to kick him in the crotch but I hit his leg, then he slapped me and sent me to the ground. I thought I was over, but then Ash came and tackled the man to the ground and started to punch him, then he stopped and led me to our hotel." May finished with a smile. She didn't want to tell them how close Ash was to kill that man, she didn't find it necessary.

"You forgot one thing May!" Dawn smiled evilly.

"What?" May asked with slight confusion.

"You forgot to mention that Ash led you to your door and refused to leave until you were inside!" Dawn stated with an exciting voice.

"So what?" May responded with a rather annoyed tone.

"That's evidence that he likes you!" Dawn yelled happily and Misty nodded approving.

"Sure he likes me, we are friends." May said and tried to change the subject.

"I think he likes you more than a friend." Dawn said with a wink towards May, causing May to blush. "And from what I've understood you like him too!"

"You don't know what you are talking about..." May muttered as she made her way out of the room and towards the cafeteria.

"We'll see May!" Dawn said, just as loud so Misty could hear. Then the two girls followed May.

Ash took another heavy sigh along with Pikachu, Max just wouldn't shut up!

Brock, Ash and Max had been sitting at the cafeteria for an hour and all Max talked about was Ash's opponent. Ash had been looking forward to a peaceful breakfast along with his best friend, but then he had heard a loud yell and saw a blue frog pokemon pull a certain breeder towards his table, it wasn't that he didn't like Brock, but Ash had a long night yesterday and wanted to gather his thoughts and rest a bit before the battle. But the worst part was when Max came down and ran towards Ash and Brock like a Beedrill had stung his butt, he yelled to Ash:

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