Chapter 9

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People turned to the source of the noise only to see a tall man in cape and a black hood over his head drag behind him a little girl with black hair.

"Please Satoshi!" Sarah screamed as she tried to get away from Ash's grip. "I'll behave me! Give me one more chance!"

"No!" Ash said with his cold stern voice. "I have been given you too many chances now. You're going to the PCCC, no objections!"

"I hate you!"

"Yeah yeah."

They continued to walk, or be dragged for about 300 meters, then they arrived at a building that were very similar to a pokemon center, but a little bigger.

They walked into the entrance and spotted a pink haired girl at an desk.

"Nurse Joy..." Ash began.

"No no." The pink haired girl said. "My name's not nurse Joy, it's childminder Joy!"

"Okay..." Ash said with hesitation. "Anyway. Can you take care of this 'so called' girl?"

With those words Ash lifted up Sarah and put her on the desk.

"Such a cute little girl!" Childminder Joy squealed.

"Yeah right..." Ash said too himself, Pikachu started to snicker inside his backpack.

"How long can you keep her here?"

"We can take care of her as long as you want!" Childminder Joy said in her cheerful voice.

"Really?" Ash said with his voice full with hope.

"You wouldn't dare Satoshi!" Sarah yelled at him.

Ash sighed before he asked. "Is it okay if I pick her up after dinner?"

"Sure!" Joy said happily. "And if you wouldn't be able to make it in time we have a very nice group of children that she can join and talk about her future plans with!"

Ash got a wide grin at his lips.

"Please Satoshi, do you really want to do this to me?" Sarah said as she tried to make fake tears.

"Yes." Ash said as he turned around and walked out from the building.

"Satoshi!" Sarah screamed after him. "Go to hell!"

"Oh my," Childminder Joy said to the little girl. "Such temper we got!"

"You have no idea..." Sarah said between her teeth.

"Well, I think I know what can cheer you up!" Joy said as she took the girl in her arms. "You just came in time to sing songs with the rest of the group!"

"NOOO!" Sarah screamed as she struggled to escape from the 'maniacs' grip, it was no use.

Ash walked towards his field. He looked around and saw that there weren't any people close by.

"Pi," He then said. "It's OK to come out."

After those words the little rodent unzipped his backpack and jumped up to Ash's right shoulder and began to rub its cheek against his.

"Pika!" It cooed as Ash chuckled slightly.

"That's good buddy." Ash said as he scratched his pokemon behind its ears.

They walked up towards the building that the field was supposed to be in and entered. Ash still had his hood up, you could never be to sure who he was up to face.

He spotted his opponent and registered his appearance in his mind. The young man looked to be around the age of 25, he had a black cap backwards on his head with a bit off long purple hair sticking out in front of it.

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