Chapter 5

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Ash looked at the little girl. Should he take her with him? He hadn't traveled with people for four years!

Ash turned to his faithful yellow companion and gave him a look that meant "what should I do?" Pikachu just gave him a look that could be translated as "You're the leader of our team, what you decide isn't up to us. You know we'll follow you wherever you go!" At least Ash hoped that the look meant that.

"You can join us on two conditions." Ash said, then he turned to the girl. "One, you'll behave and not draw attention to us." The girl nodded.

"Two," Ash then said. "You'll do as I say without question." The girl seemed to hesitate a little but then she said. "OK!" She then ran to Feraligatr and started to climb on him.

"Then it's settled." Professor Oak said. "I wish you good luck, both of you. Don't worry Sarah, I'll continue to search for you parents!" Oak added and looked at the girl.

"Thanks Mr. Oak," Sarah said. "I know you'll do you best!"

"Okay then," Ash said. "It's time to decide which pokemon I should bring.

"Can I choose? Can I?" Sarah asked eagerly.

"No." Ash just said. "Things like that are up to me." He then walked to his pokemon, who still stood in line.

"Pikachu, will you join me on my journey to the Boon Island?" Ash asked the little rodent. Pikachu gave out a loud "Pika!" Then he jumped up at Ash's shoulder. "That's good Pi, thanks." Ash said as he chuckled slightly.

"Lucario, will you also join my team?" Ash asked the aura pokemon.

"It'll be my honor to serve you in battle, master." Lucario said through his aura.

"Good." Ash said as he brought out Luacrio's pokeball and recalled him.

"Charizard." Ash said as he turned to the big red lizard. "You were one of my first pokemon, you have taken me to different places with a speed that most people would find impossible. Will you help me to get to the Boon Island?" The giant lizard gave a roar in approval.

"Thanks." Ash said and recalled Charizard to.

"Sceptile." Ash said with a loud voice as he turned to the green lizard. Sceptile looked at his master. "I know that you would never forgive me if I took away your training partner from you." Ash said with a smile. It was true, Sceptile and Charizard were two of Ash's strongest pokemon. They always sparred against each other. "So will you come with me and battle the elites?" The leaf Sceptile's right arm began to glow as a sign that he was ready.

"Thank you." Ash said and recalled Sceptile.

"I need a water pokemon." He then said. "Will all of my water pokemon lineup?"

The water pokemon did as they were told and Ash walked pass Floatzel, Kingler, Feraligatr, Crawdaunt and Blastoise. He then turned around and started to walk the other way until he stopped before Floatzel.

"Floatzel," Ash said as he looked down at the weasel. "You are one of my pokemon who loves battling the most." Floatzel did a little smirk as he looked at his master and nodded in approval. "Then will you join me?" Ash then asked his pokemon.

Floatzel gave a short "Float!" And raised his right paw in the air. Ash nodded and recalled him. "Thanks." He said to the pokeball as he then attached it on his belt.

"There's only one spot left." Ash stated to the group. "If I could I would've brought you all with me, but the rules only allows six pokemon. Therefore it should be..." Ash looked around at the rest of his pokemon. They all looked like they wanted to go with him and battle.

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