Chapter 12 - Alpha vs Garou: Round 1

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Charanko hits the wall of the dojo and slides down, barely conscious. I run in, staying low and spring up with an uppercut. Master Bang casually deflects it with his thumb and knees me in the stomach, sending me flying back. I drop to one knee and glare at him. "Charanko... Alpha... you've both made almost no progress with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Increasing your strength is no substitute for improving your technique!" Why is he doing this? He just decided suddenly to fight both of us at the same time and beat us down over and over. "Go. Never show your face here again," he says, pointing at the door.

I'm shocked. "W-what?"

"Leave! From now on, you are hereby expelled from my dojo, the both of you!" I can't believe this.

Charanko practically crawls away, but I don't move. "No," I say. Master Bang turns away from me. "I came here to learn what my parents learnt. To follow in their footsteps. So if you want me out, you'll have to throw me out," I growl.

Bang doesn't say anything for a moment but lowers his head. "So be it..." he says quietly, with sadness in his voice. In an instant, he's stood right in front of me with his palms on my torso. I fly out of the dojo, over the thousands of steps and hit the brick path at the bottom.


"So you really have no idea why he did that?" Lily asks, staring at the TV in full concentration
She frantically mashes the dodge button to avoid fireballs.

"Nope. He just challenged us to attack him with all our strength one day, and damn near killed us," I groan. "Heal."

"But I'm saving my healing potions for when I need them," she says.

"Wh- Lily, you are literally about to die. It's the last boss of the level! Why wouldn't you use them?!"

"But I only have 87!"

"Holy shit you're bad at this. It doesn't use its triple attack until the second phase, so just roll once," I point out. She dodges just a little to the side and I remember something. "Wait wait but if it's using its single attack the fireball will be bigger-" She's caught on the edge of the attack and dies.

We both sit in shock for a second, staring at the screen. Lily throws down the controller and jumps up. "Why didn't you tell me?!" she yells.

"How did you not remember?! THIS IS YOUR SEVENTH TRY!" I shout back.

"I'M A FUCKING IDIOT!!" she screams, throwing a chair across the room.

"Yeah you are, you damn DUMBASS!"

She punched me in the face and I punch her back. "ASSHOLE!"

I put my hands up to stop it from escalating. "Wait, we can't fight. I have too many injuries to get in a fight right now," I say.

She sighs and sits down. "I wish he'd gone easier on you. You get enough broken ribs as it is," she sighs.

"Oh. Well, that's... a nice thing to say," I say uncertainly.

Lily turns bright red and kicks me in the back of the head. "Yeah, well, I only say that because when you're injured I can't kick your ass!"

I grin. "See? That's more like it."

"Inconsiderate dick."

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