Chapter 5 - Clan of The Seafolk

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The quiet atmosphere in the town is quickly broken by sounds of screaming and heavy footsteps that shake the ground. A giant monster has appeared, which looks like a huge walking octopus. It crushes cars under its feet and destroys the road. "I am the messenger of the seafolk!" it roars. "Ready yourself humans, for my people will soon emerge!"

 "Ready yourself humans, for my people will soon emerge!"

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Guess I'd better take care of this. If no one deals with it, this walking calamari will kill people. I walk up to it and it looks down to me. "Who are you? Do you think you can stand to a superior species? Don't make me laugh!"

"Ok, that's enough. You've had your fun, terrorising the locals, but the fun's over, big guy." It's foot is right next to me, so I poke it. It's wet, but soft. Just like I thought. "You're all size and no actual strength. This'll be easy." A punch is throw, but I easily jump on top of it's fist and run up it's arm. "Tell your people..." I punch it with all my strength, caving in it's face. "If they come up here, I'll kill them all!" It goes flying far away, and lands back into the sea with a splash. That should teach them a lesson. It won't come back up here if it knows what's good for it.

People around me start cheering. It feels good to get some recognition. Usually no one's around to see me do my job. This is a nice change, having an audience.


The streets of City J are busy today. Everyone's walking quickly to get somewhere. But the atmosphere is quickly shattered by screams of victims. Several monsters, each bigger than the one earlier walk down the street. Some punch floors off buildings, causing them to collapse. "You humans dare to threaten us?! We will wipe you from this world until we are the rulers! Where is the one that disrespected us?!"

They just don't learn their lesson. I walk through the running crowd and stand in front of them. "I'm the one that sent your fish friend back to you. Would you like for me to do the same to you?" They roar and all attack me at once. I gave them a chance, but no one ever takes it. Why must they always be so stubborn? "Alright, please form an orderly queue so I can kill you one by one." Their tentacles extend and whip around me, forcing me to dodge around. One goes straight for me and and I twist to dodge it, it barely brushing my nose. It sticks into the concrete.

Compared to the seaweed monster I fought, these guys are like a weaker version. I grab the tentacle and run away from them and the crowd, dragging one of them with me. When I stop and swing it over my shoulder, it smashes into the pavement. 1 down, 3 to go. But that impact destroyed the street. Maybe I should drag this out so I can have a good fight. I'll end this quick to avoid further collateral damage.

They all catch up with me quickly. "You have the stupidity of fighting us! There is no saving you now, you will die horribly!" Their tentacles stab at me, so I jump high into the air. "You can't dodge in mid air! It's over!" The yellow one's tentacles all thrust forward as one, in a thin, piercing strike. Perfect.

"It looks like you're the one it's over for, bastard!" I've let it go through my hand to get to its face and use this opportunity to kick him into the ground. I smash through his head and purple blood spurts everywhere. Dammit, that hurt like hell and it still does. 2 down, 2 to go.

One steps up to me. "Do you have any idea how FUCKED YOU ARE RIGHT NOW?!" It draws back it's fist.

"Shut up..." I mutter. My hand is completely useless. At least I had the sense to use my bad hand. I punch straight through this ones stomach with a single full power blow. Just 1 more. If it weren't for the pain in my hand, I would be able to do this. But the pain is keeping my senses sharp. Time to try this out.

After seeing so much of the S Class, I realise that I have a long way to go before I can become the top hero. What I need is more experience to grow as improve myself. If I can't improve, I'll never get anywhere. Sacrifices have to be made sometimes, like my hand.

It swings its tentacle at me, so I circle around it. Before it has a chance to to turn around, I try to copy a move I saw from Speed of Sound Sonic. I stick out one foot and flip forwards as fast as I can. "Wind blade kick!" When my foot makes contact, I go straight through the monster with little resistance. After landing in front of it, it falls apart. They're all finally gone. I did it!

Suddenly, my instincts tell me to move. I jump out of the way and a huge fist misses me and makes a crater in the street. "You shall pay for killing my underlings. You've done well, but no one can stand to me, the Deep Sea King!" It looks more humanoid than the others, but it's still clearly a monster. I'm not sure if I can win this, but I have to try! After killing the Seafolk, you are my last aquatic challenge, Deep Sea King!

Name: Alpha
Ranking: B 44 - 42 - 38
Power: High Tiger

Name: Messenger of The Seafolk
Threat level: Low Tiger

Name: Clan of The Seafolk
Individual threat level: Low Tiger
Collective threat level: Mid Tiger

Name: Deep Sea King
Threat level: Mid Demon

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