Chapter 1 - Becoming a hero

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Class B... class B... dammit! I was 2 points away from class A! 46 on the exam and 42 on the physical exam. A total of 88 and the requirements for A is 90! If I'd just enrolled a month later, I could've easily gotten those last 2 points. But now it'll take a lot longer than that to get to A class. In the hero association, you can become a professional hero by taking a written exam and a physical exam. There's class C, B, A and S. I was really hoping to get to class A, man...

A voice comes from overhead. "All newcomers must attend a seminar taught by a class A hero. Please make your way towards the classroom." Right. They told us where that is at the beginning. I walk there next to a bald person and a... cyborg? He looks strong. Inside is the class A hero Snek. I've seen him before. The lowest ranking A hero. I could have had his place. Tucking the paper in my pocket, I sigh. Oh well. No point getting hung up over it.

Class B though I'm surprised that I, someone with no real talent or gift, managed to become a middle ranked hero through 6 months of hard work and defeating monsters. However, it seems that my limit is at disaster level 'tiger'. We all sit down with Snek sat at a desk at the front.

"So, it seems that you've all managed to become heroes. One of you only made it on a fluke. One of you clearly should have registered as a hero much earlier and already outrank me. And one of you is an amateur who I hope to see one day as a fellow class A hero." Yeah, me too. "But, there one thing you all have in common. You don't understand what it takes to be a hero! It's not just killing monsters and stopping crime! You have to be appealing, elegant, popular! For you selfish heroes, you can make twice the money if you're marketable." So, the cyborg must be class S. Makes sense, he certainly looks it.

He jumps onto the desk and does some kind of combo with his arms circling around. It looks kinda cool, but also weird. "I've seen better." Everyone looks at me. Crap! Did I say that out loud?! Snek looks at me in shock, then anger. "S-sorry sir! That isn't what I meant to say!" I've done it now, idiot!

Landing in front of me, he looks me in the eyes.
"I may be the bottom of class A, but I'm still in a high class. So, my word has some influence over what happens to you low level heroes. Don't forget that." Wow. I know I disrespected him, but I didn't expect a hero to be so threatening. I keep my distance from him once I get out of here. He talks a bit more about the history of this place and that the class C has to fulfill weekly heroic acts to stay in the hero registry, which freaks the bald guy out a little, and we're allowed to leave.

I'm walking home along the beach next to the water. Supposing I keep my activity at the same rate as I've been going for the past half year, I should be able to advance into class A in just 3 months. Not too bad for a B newbie. I'm still surprised I managed to make so much progress in so little time. But... would Mum and Dad be proud of me? They were both class S heroes when they... I'll make it to class S. I'll be the greatest hero. It just sucks that I didn't inherit much of their talent. At least I got all their money, though I would give it all to have them back, even for a minute.

Suddenly, Snek is in front of me. I guess I didn't see him because I was distracted. "Hey there newbie. After the seminar, I looked at you scores and saw how close you were to class A. I know I said that I wanted to see you become an A hero one day, I don't want you to outrank me. So, I've decided to teach you one last element of being a hero. For our final lesson, newbie crushing!" He runs at me and punches me in the face. What the hell? I didn't know that heroes were this protective of their rank! If I have to fight him, so be it! Every time he does something to belittle me, it makes it easier to fight him.

With his arm still extended, he literally slithers his other arm under his right towards my chest, but I catch it. I grab his other arm and spin around, throwing him away. I jump up in the air and land on his back, pushing him to his knees. His hands go on the ground and he flips over, kicking me in side. Dammit! He's not going to give up until one of us is unconscious. There's no point dragging this out I guess. If one of us is going to win, it might as well be with this attack. We run towards each other.

"Biting Snake Fist!"

"Complete Counter!"

His arm coils in a spiral motion around my fist and he's about to punch me, but I hit him with my actual attack with me left. If he'd just looked at my balance and stance, he would've easily seen that I was going for my left arm. It hits him in the head, knocking him back a couple metres. For a second, he lies in the ground and he's unconscious. I think I'll just leave him there.

His body get smaller as I walk away. It looks like I'm stronger than the weakest A hero, at least. That's good to know.

Class B... class B... you know what? I'll take it!

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