Chapter 3 - The Ghost Town

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What is in city Z? It's generally known as the ghost town because no one lives in it. It's surrounded by a metal fence to keep people away and most of the building look like they're falling apart. As I look through the fence, all there is is concrete, just like everything else I ever see. I need some time with nature for once. I rip a hole in the fence and climb through. Perhaps there isn't anything here, and it's just a rumour that has caused an entire city to go unused. Today's the day these rumours are finally determined.

After climbing a building for a vantage point, it's clear this place is a large as any city. What could be so bad that all this space is empty?There's no telling what I might find in here. Objective 1: find the other heroes. It'll be safer if we're all together. This is easy since they're on the outskirts and I find them quickly. There's Spring Mustachio, Class A Rank 28, and Golden Ball, Class A Rank 26. They far outrank me.

"Hey! I'm assuming you're the heroes the hero association sent to investigate Z City?" I ask. I'm on top of a building looking down to them.

They both look around and then up to me. "And who are you? A resident?" Spring Mustachio inquires.

"Nah. I was sent here as some extra help. I'm new to this so I don't have a hero name yet. I'm Class B. Just call me Alpha for now," I explain while looking around. There doesn't seem to be anything nearby.

"Alright, Alpha. Just make sure you're not holding us back or anything," Golden ball earns me. I don't like his attitude, but it's something I'll have to put up with from people who think they're better than me because of their rank. It really sucks that I didn't make it to Class A. Just defeating Sonic got me to Rank 93. If I'd been at the bottom of A, I'd be around the level of those two right now.

All the hairs on my arms stand up. What the hell? I spin around and see a green blur. "Move!" It narrowly misses thanks to me grabbing everyone out of the way. A monster, and a strong one. It looks like it's covered in seaweed. They're used as tentacles then? This isn't good for me since I excel at close combat. Golden Ball jumps in front of me though and aims his slingshot.

"Shape memory golden bullet! One of my shots can pierce steel!" He fires it and it transforms into a small missile. But it's easily batted away by a tentacle.

The monster starts to talk. "I came here to see if the rumour was true about there being an organisation of monsters here. But all I found were a bunch of weak heroes." His tentacles lift up showing his body, completely black, like a shadow. "Maybe I can make that rumour true. The monster of Z City, I kinda like the sound of that!" The tentacle wraps around Golden Ball's ankle and drags him along the ground and swings him into a building. He's out of commission. Spring Mustachio goes in, only for his rapier to be easily blocked by the hard tentacles.

Numerous flexible tentacles that are stronger than steel. A formidable opponent. I need to call for backup. While Spring Mustachio is fighting, I send a backup request for any Class A heroes. His sword curls up and glows. "Tomboy!" It straightens out and goes all the way down the street, sticking into the building at the end. The monster holds up a tentacle, revealing that the attack actually made a hole in one.

"Not bad." All of it's tentacle come out and swarm Spring Mustachio, who fails to fend them off. Taking advantage of the monster using all of its tentacles, I try to attack it's body. But it easily catches my punch. It proceeds to beat me in a fistfight and beat Spring Mustachio from far away. It can still fight so well when it's focus is divided? He's unconscious now as well, leaving just me and the monster.

I have to try and stall for as long as possible. The other heroes could be here soon. If the monster defeats me, it'll just kill all of us. We can live for as long as I can fight. Let's see how he deals with a moving target then! I dart around him and whip up the leaves. Hopefully this confuses him. But he whips around all his tentacle very fast and the wind blows them away. I have to move away to avoid them. That's it! I'm going in for the kill. If I can't defeat my first official monster opponent then I can't be a hero. I run in and dodge his tentacles. Some scratch my arms and legs. He tries to punch me but I block it and try to counter it, only to be met by a barrage of punches. After being beaten down, he leaves an opening and I go for it. My punch connects and lifts him slightly off the ground.

"Hm. That's annoying. I'm going to kill you now." One of his tentacles wraps around my ankle and I'm throw across the street into a building. I can't keep fighting after this. My body can't move. I'll need at least a few seconds to recover, but he won't give me that. His tentacles all come out and attack me, but they're blown back by fire. Down by everyone else are 3 heroes. Blue Fire, Class A Rank 6, Lightning Max, Class A Rank 19 and Shadow Ring, Class A Rank 32. They came!

"You came! Watch out, those tentacles are harder than steel!" I shout. I run over to them before the monster can recover.

Blue Fire steps forwards. "Step back now. We've got this." He does a sign with his hands and blue flames come forwards to cover the monster. Shadow Ring cuts through the fire with an air blade and a few of the monsters tentacles are cut off. Lightning Max runs forwards and spins around in the air to kick the monster which explodes on impact. It sends the monster flying and Blue Fire jumps in the air to finish it, sending a concentrated beam of fire to pierce through the tentacles and penetrate its body. It's finally dead. They all look around at the situation and see the two heroes. "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine. Just tired."

"Leave the rest to us. You did well to survive so long against it. Who are you?"

"I'm a new Class B hero. Thank goodness you got here, we were all about to die. I've had enough, I'm going home." I walk past them all and out of Z city. For my first monster fight as a hero, it didn't go as well as I had hoped. But I survived against it longer than two A Class heroes, so maybe that's in my favour. I want to go to sleep.

Wolf = 1 Class B or 3 Class CTiger = 1 Class A or 5 Class BDemon = 1 Class S or 10 Class ADragon = 1-3 Class S

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Wolf = 1 Class B or 3 Class C
Tiger = 1 Class A or 5 Class B
Demon = 1 Class S or 10 Class A
Dragon = 1-3 Class S

There are also in betweens called 'above'.

Name: Spring Mustachio
Rank: Class A Rank 26
Power: Mid Tiger

Name: Golden Ball
Rank: Class A Rank 28
Power: High Tiger

Name: Blue Fire
Rank: Class A Rank 6
Power: High Tiger

Name: Lightning Max
Rank: Class A Rank 19
Power: Mid Tiger

Name: Shadow Ring
Rank: Class A Rank 32
Power: Mid Tiger

Name: Kombu Infinity
Power: Above Tiger

Name: Alpha Tizusaki
Rank: Class B Rank 93 - Rank 79
Power: Mid Tiger

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