➸ if you've read my other books, you'll know how much i love elevator scenes

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[A/N - please don't press play on the song above just yet—I'll let you know when you should at some point during the chapter!]

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[A/N - please don't press play on the song above just yet—I'll let you know when you should at some point during the chapter!]

[Y/N]'s POV:

It has been two whole days since our explosive argument—and it's safe to say that neither of us has spoken a single word to each other.

We're in a silent fight. A cold war. We barely spare even so much as a glance at each other—even when we pass one another in the hallway, or bump into each other in the cafeteria. I personally think it's better this way—but I'll admit it's a little thrilling. I don't know why. I think it's my toxic side coming out; the need to constantly bump into him is overwhelming. I want to know who will lose this war first. I want him to be the one to break the silence between us. I want him to see me. I want him to breathe me in. I want him to realise that he's lost a fucking diamond, and anyone else after me is nothing more than a measly rock in comparison, one that accidentally snuck its way into one's shoe.

In reality, I'm loving it.

I don't want peace, I want problems.

I'm pretty sure that all the other staff members, and even some of the students, have picked up on the evident tension brewing between us. I think it's quite obvious, especially when we sit on the complete opposite ends of the table at lunchtime, and try to remain as faraway as possible from each other when we have to sit on the bleachers to watch the students train for the Kyoto Goodwill Event. We don't even greet each other anymore—let alone crack even so much as a friendly smile. Sometimes, he even goes as far as to say good morning to everyone but me. He's fucking petty, I'll tell you that much. He always has been. I'll even admit that he's worse than me. He undoubtedly takes the crown.

The one person who has taken definite notice of Gojo and I's silent argument is, of course, Nanami—who is scarily perceptive. You can't get anything past him. Hence why the two of us are currently walking together, side by side, after he's just brought it up after witnessing how icy we were towards each other during lunch.

"I thought I told you that you guys had three days to sort your shit out or else I'd kick both your asses to the curb." He grumbles under his breath. I feel bad, because whenever Gojo and I used to fight, Nanami would always be stuck in the middle of it, forced to play the role of mediator. And now, even when the two of us are no longer in a relationship and still fighting, here Nanami is again, trying to sort things out between us, which makes his life ten times harder than it already is since both of us are far too stubborn for our own good. "What the hell happened? It doesn't look like anything has been talked about. In fact, things seem even worse."

"We had an argument." I finally admit, taking a sip of my coffee. The two of us round a corner, where we end up walking past Gojo's classroom. The door has been left slightly ajar to let in some much-needed air since it's a rather hot day today—which explains why I'm wearing a sleeveless dress. I catch a glimpse of Gojo standing at the front of the classroom, an empty whiteboard behind him. Megumi, Nobara and Itadori are sitting at their desks, looking somewhat bored. Nobara catches my eye and she waves at me, beaming brightly. I wave back and return her smile before I completely disappear from her line of sight. If Gojo saw me out of the corner of his eye, he makes no acknowledgement. I don't know why I'm so disappointed about that. It's not like I was expecting him to run out of the classroom and kiss me.

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