➸ humanity's strongest sorcerer

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[A/N - please press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter!]

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[A/N - please press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter!]

[Y/N]'s POV:

Within the haunting stillness of the abandoned school, the air tastes of potential, heavy with the weight of the challenges ahead. The setting sun casts long shadows that dance on the cracked linoleum floor, adding an ethereal quality to the scene. It's here, amidst this forgotten bastion of knowledge, that Gojo and I stand, our shared purpose a silent pact between us.

Gojo's gaze, a mixture of unwavering focus and patient encouragement, rests upon me. His stance exudes confidence, as if he knows that within my grasp lies untapped strength waiting to be harnessed. As I step forward, the floor creaking beneath my feet, I can't help but feel a shiver of excitement that matches the rustling of the breeze outside.

His outstretched hand guides me into position, each gesture deliberate as he imparts the first steps of this arcane dance. His words, a commingling of wisdom and technique, weave around me, creating a cocoon of guidance that's both reassuring and challenging. The rhythm of his instructions sets the pace, like a steady heartbeat guiding me through uncharted territory.

"Focus, [Y/N]," his voice commands, every syllable resonating with a potent authority. Gojo's presence is a magnetic force, drawing me deeper into this dance of power and intimacy. "Feel the energy within you. Let it surge through your veins."

His instructions are precise, each word punctuated by the raw electricity that lingers between us. As his voice wraps around me, threading through the spaces between my thoughts, I can't help but feel a thrill that's equal parts excitement and trepidation. The power within me responds to his guidance, a potent reminder of the untapped potential that's been dormant for far too long.

The movements we engage in are more than mere exercises—they're a symphony of energy and connection. As our bodies twist and bend in harmony, the charged air seems to vibrate with anticipation. His touch is both electric and commanding, each brush of his fingers igniting sparks along my skin. There's an undercurrent of challenge in his gaze, a silent dare that propels me to push myself further.

"Use the energy to strengthen your strikes," he commands, his voice a rumbling undercurrent that stirs the depths of my being. "Let it surge through you, like a current of power waiting to be unleashed."

The intensity grows, the boundaries between instruction and desire blurring in the process. With each step, his proximity becomes a magnet that draws me closer. His fingertips trail along the lines of my defenses, teasing at the edges of my resolve. I can feel the heat of his breath against my skin, a promise of something deeper, something that simmers just below the surface.

And then, without warning, his approach shifts, becoming more assertive, more demanding. The energy shifts, becoming charged with an intoxicating amalgamation of power and seduction. He's pushing me harder, testing my limits, both in terms of strength and in terms of self-control. His gaze holds mine, an unspoken challenge that ignites a fire within me.

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