➸ a seven nation army couldn't hold me back

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[A/N - please press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter!]

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[A/N - please press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter!]

[Y/N]'s POV:

As I approach the abandoned hospital, the sun is a brilliant orb, casting a golden glow on the dilapidated building. The sky is painted in hues of orange and pink, the clouds resembling cotton candy as they reflect the dying light. The hospital standstall and ominousits broken windows and crumbling walls seeming to hold secrets better left undiscovered.

I can see why he told me to meet him here now; the cursed energy in the air is palpable, I can feel it surrounding me. It's making the hairs on the back of my neck bristle.

As I get closer, I see Gojo standing outside, his tall silhouette etched against the setting sun. He is leaning against the abandoned hospital's entrance, his arms crossed over his chest, clad in his usual work attire, except this time, I notice he's wearing a navy blue blindfold rather than his classic black one to match his uniform. He looks up as I approach him and a small smile plays on his lips. We greet each other with a kiss.

I truly wonder what we are.

Or whether we can even be anything at all after this.

The sky is now a deep orange, the sun a ball of fire as it dips below the horizon. The light show continues as the sky transmutes into a canvas of pink and purple, the clouds deciding to ignite with the setting sun. I watch in awe as the sun completely sets, casting the abandoned hospital in a golden light. I can see through the broken windows as curses of all different shapes and sizes peer down at me, but they appear timid, which is strange, because usually they're a lot more hostile and viscous, but then again, I suppose that they are in the presence of Gojo Satoru after all, so they probably recognise by now that they don't stand a fucking chance. Interestingly, the building now looks less eerie and more like a relic from a bygone era.

He takes my hand and closes his eyes momentarily, before he chants the words, "the merge from darkness, blacker still, purify that which is impure." As soon as the words leave his lips, the air around us begins to stir and swirl, the energy building and intensifying. Suddenly, a massive veil of abject darkness descends upon the abandoned hospital, shrouding it in an impenetrable cloak of shadows. The sky has suddenly morphed into a blanket of inky black, an endless crevasse, darker than sin.

The darkness seems to press down, suffocating the light and casting everything beneath it in a deep, foreboding shadow. The air is thick with the electric charge of impending danger, and the wind howls through the twisted branches of the trees like the howl of a pack of wolves. The scene is one of eerie, unearthly beauty, a stark contrast to the oranges and pinks and fiery reds from only a few moments ago.

It's a veil, a barrier of sorts to help smoke out the curses. It also keeps us hidden from the outside.

"Just a safety precaution," he grins at me, and I don't know why, but something about the brazen look on his face instils what feels like fear inside me. The sudden beating of my heart is a symphony of trepidation, each thud a crescendo of anxiety. "Are you okay?" He asks me as he analyses my countenance, tilting his head to the side a fraction of an inch.

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