➸ it's time to come completely undone

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[Y/N]'s POV:

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[Y/N]'s POV:

The rhythmic beats of the nightclub slowly fade into the background as Gojo takes my hand, grinning daringly. Without a word, he leads me away from the pulsating lights and the crowded dance floor, towards the exit that opens up to the car park beyond.

As we step outside, the air is thick with the scent of rain, and I can feel the cool droplets lightly brushing against my skin. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground creates a soothing melody, contrasting with the energetic vibe we just left behind.

The car park is dimly lit, the soft glow of the streetlights casting a romantic ambiance over the scene. The rain paints a glistening canvas across the pavement, turning it into a reflective pool that mirrors the sky above. Each step we take is accompanied by the gentle patter of rain, creating a rhythmic backdrop to our movements. The world seems to slow down as we navigate the wet ground, our surroundings cloaked in a sense of quiet intimacy.

Gojo's hand remains firmly clasped around mine, and there's a certain excitement in the air—a shared secret between us and the falling rain. The sensation of being outside in the rain is liberating, like we're participants in a dance that only a select few are privy to.

As we continue deeper into the car park, away from the vibrant lights of the nightclub, the rain becomes more pronounced. It soaks through our clothes, making them cling to our bodies, but the dampness is exhilarating rather than uncomfortable. The drops of rain create a symphony of sensations as they touch my skin, cooling the heat that still lingers from the dance floor. The rain seems to amplify every touch, every gesture between us, heightening the connection we share.

As the rain pours down around us, I can feel the intoxicating mix of alcohol and desire coursing through my veins. The raindrops continue to drench us, adding an electrifying edge to the already charged atmosphere.

We're both tipsy, our inhibitions loosened by the alcohol, and the thrill of the moment sets my heart racing. With every step, the anticipation grows, and I can't help but wonder what he has in store for us.

In the far corner of the car park, away from any onlookers, Gojo stops abruptly and turns to face me. There's a fiery intensity in his gaze as he removes his blindfold, an unspoken promise of passion and excitement that leaves me breathless. Before I can react, he slams me against a nearby car, and a gasp escapes my lips. The rain continues to pour down relentlessly, soaking us both, but in this moment, all that matters is the magnetic pull between us.

Gojo's lips find mine in a searing kiss, and our tongues dance in a passionate tango. The taste of rain mingles with the sweetness of his lips, creating a heady combination that leaves me lightheaded with desire.

His hands roam freely, exploring my body with a mix of urgency and reverence. Every touch sends a shiver of pleasure through me, and I can feel the heat building between us with each passing second. The car provides a firm support as I lean into him, surrendering to the intensity of the moment. Our bodies press together, and right now, I don't believe I've ever wanted someone more.

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