➸ who truly is the villain?

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[Y/N]'s POV:

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[Y/N]'s POV:

I need to get out of here.

And fast.

I lied to the others saying that I had to go to the bathroom pronto, when in reality, I am currently trying to bang on every door on the top floor whilst hoping and praying to any God that is actually willing to listen that Mayu is inhabited inside somewhere, with her clothes on, hopefully, but then again a girl can only wish. I can't go home without her, or if I have to, I should at least tell her that I'm leaving. She isn't answering any of my phone calls or text messages, though. I specifically mentioned that this was a life or death situation and in my case, I meant it literally.


The party has become a maze of unfamiliar faces and shadowy corners as I continue my search for Mayu. As I try to weave my way through the packed mansion, I can't shake the feeling that someone is following me. I glance over my shoulder to make sure, my eyes wild with what feels like terror as I attempt to open doors to at least find somewhere to hide. Most of the doors are locked, and the ones that aren't are unfortunately occupied with half-naked couples who can't fucking wait until they get home to bang. Fuck me.

Why did Geto have to be here of all places?

Is he hunting me?

My heart is pounding in my chest as I run down the stairs to the floor below. There are more rooms down here, and even more people. I frantically scan the crowded area, searching for a familiar face. Sweat beads on my forehead as I stumble through the throngs of people, my breaths coming out in short gasps as I try to find somewhere to at least be able to hide until it's safe enough to leave. This mansion is a labyrinth of opulent rooms and grand hallways, and my breaths are ragged as I continue to run without drawing too much attention to myself, trying each door in turn along the way. But no matter how hard I pull on every door handle, the handles refuse to budge. I feel like I am trapped with nowhere to hide.

I hear a buzz in my pocket. I pause, a surge of hope washing over me as my phone continues to vibrate, and I quickly pull it out, my fingers shaking. But as I see the caller ID, all hope I had diminishes. It isn't Mayu's name on the screen—it's Gojo's.

"I don't think this is the way to the bathroom, [Y/N]." Just as I am about to answer the phone, I hear a deep, dark voice that melds into the shadows. It's the same sonorous voice that you'd only ever hear in your most blissful nightmares, making every hair on the back of my neck bristle. I pause, my throat working a convulsive swallow as I whirl around to face him.

Here he is.

Standing before me. Tall. Dark. Muscular. I feel as if I am trespassing on his domain, the air swirling around us instantly becoming oppressive. His smile is a tantalising mix of danger and seduction, a smile that unwittingly etches itself into the forefront of my brain. The phantom's mask only adds to his allure, and as he stands in front of me, towering over me like a skyscraper, he exudes an air of peril and mystery, his darker than black eyes glinting with wicked intent.

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