➸ you're toxic i'm slipping under

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[Y/N]'s POV:

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[Y/N]'s POV:

It is now the next day and my plan to avoid Gojo today as much as I possibly can is working in my favour for once. I've purposefully changed my schedule so that it would no longer be similar to his, which means I've calculated it in a way where there will be zero crossovers.

I've never felt this good before.

I'm no longer walking around with a slumped posture and a permanent dark cloud floating above my head; the dark cloud is now a white cloud with the sun peeking through, and the slumped posture has now been straightened, making me look less like I'm meant to be a character in the Hunchback of Notre Dame and more like...a normal person who has good posture. Damn, I've said the word posture far too many times in this statement.

Anyway, I've just finished teaching my lesson. This class was actually fun because the students were engaging and answering questions and not just sitting there, contemplating their lives. My class consisted of all three of my favourite students (yes, teachers do have favourites); Itadori, Nobara and Megumi. Those three are the only first years who genuinely care about learning—even Megumi, who constantly looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.

I'm currently humming to myself because I'm in a good mood today. I don't really know what tune I'm humming, but I don't think that matters as long as you all realise how happy I am, which is quite rare. I didn't need to rely on a stupid, mindless interaction with the devil in disguise in order to get a dopamine hit, and I like to call that the first step of self-improvement. I deserve a pat on the fucking back.

I end up giving myself one while I tidy my desk. Wow. This is rather sad—isn't it? But oh well. I let out a happy sigh as I finish clearing my desk, and just as I do, my entire body immediately jolts when I hear a soft rapping at my classroom door. Who the hell is here? I glance around the classroom quickly, checking to see if any of the students left anything behind that they needed to retrieve before they headed home.

Nope. Nothing.

I hear another loud knock. I let out a hefty exhale. Sometimes I just want to be left alone, and today is one of those days, because I'm finally finding solace in my own company and that is one of my biggest achievements yet.

I tuck an errant lock of hair behind my ear and head towards the door, before I open it though, I decide to close my eyes and mentally prepare myself for whoever is standing on the other side. I already have a bad feeling regarding exactly where this is going and I could stop it, but I won't.

I take another deep breath. I'm aware I'm being dramatic but please understand where I am coming from, and also please understand that I am a very dramatic person and I will always choose to do the wrong thing every damn time because I am a lover of chaos.

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