The Long Haul

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The next morning I woke up still wrapped in Robbie's arms and I smiled. I knew he got barely any sleep last night because of me. Between my nightmares and then crying from the nightmares. I looked up and saw Robbie fast asleep, I got out of his grip and easily got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and splashed water in my face to try and take the puffiness from my eyes. When that didn't work I figured it was a lost cause. I walked out to the kitchen to get a coffee. Marley and Harper were sitting at the small kitchen table.

"Good morning. You want some coffee?" Harper asked and I nodded as I got in Marley's freezer knowing she had an eye mask in her freezer. I got it out sat at the table and put it on.

"Sorry if I kept anyone up last night." I said.

"No, I honestly didn't hear anything." Marley said and Harper nodded in agreement. I couldn't tell if they were lying for my benefit or really couldn't hear anything. I sighed, lifted the mask so I could see the coffee mug and took a drink.

"Robbie sleeping?" Marley asked and I nodded.

"Yeah...he didn't sleep much last night." I said and the girls grinned at me. "Not for that reason. I asked to make sure you guys didn't hear me having nightmares and crying all night. Hence why I need the eye mask." I said putting it back on my eyes. Marley placed a hand on my back.

"You can stay here a couple days if you want. You and Robbie both. I'm worried about you being home." Marley said and I shook my head.

"Mar, I love you and thank you for the offer but I have Robbie with me, I'm safe." I said and she smiled.

"Can I ask a question about you and Robbie?" Harper asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Where do you see you and Robbie going?" Harper asked and I looked at her oddly as I took off the cooling mask.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, do you see you and Robbie long haul? Marriage, kids...all of it..." Harper asked. I looked at her in shock.

"Where's this coming from?" I asked.

"Well I love you and I say this as nice as possible. You aren't getting any younger and if you want all of that it's time I start thinking seriously." Harper said and sighed.

"Of course I want all of that and Robbie is the one I would love to have it with. This was never supposed to happen though...Robbie was hired to protect me, which let's face it...he is. If Robbie and I ever planned on keeping this going, we would have to run." I said. Marley and Harper didn't say anything and I looked to see Robbie walking in the kitchen. "How much did you hear?" I asked him.

"What you want and why we can't have it." Robbie said and I sighed.

"Robbie you know my father just as sure as kill you instead of letting us be together." I said. He walked over to me and knelt in front of me.

"Well just so you know Sweets, I love you and I want all that with you. I don't care if we have to run away to the ends of the earth, that's what we'll do." Robbie said, I leaned down and passionately kissed him. "You're all I need sweets." Robbie said when we broke apart, I smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek.

"You're all I need too Bert." I said and he smiled shaking his head with a smile.

"You're trouble." He said, I smiled as he stood up and then got him some coffee.

"You knew this." I said and he nodded.

"I did." He said and finished his coffee "Finish your girl time, I just needed some coffee. I got us some clothes in the car. I will go get them and then we can shower and change." Robbie said and I nodded. Once he did he walked outside to the car and I smiled.

"Look at you...I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time." Marley said and I nodded.

"He makes me happy again." I said. "Last time I was this happy I was with my mom." I said and the girls gave me group hug. Robbie walked back in with the bag.

"You want to shower first?" Robbie asked and looked at him and then the girls.

"No! Not in my shower!" Marley said and I laughed hysterically.

"No....never...." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom with Robbie.


Robbie had made a couple stops on the way home and I was just unaware of everything. I had dozed off on the car ride any way so it was no big deal to me how many times he stopped, I was sleeping. Once we got home he woke me up.

"Sweets..." Robbie said and placed a hand on my cheek. We are home." Robbie said and I smiled at him as he leaned down and gave me small kiss.

"Can we just lay in bed all day and not do shit?" I asked and Robbie laughed but nodded.

"Whatever you want sweets." Robbie said and I smiled. He grabbed all the bags he stopped and got full of things as we went in the house. He checked out the apartment for safety, including his place in case someone was hiding in there. Once we got in bed and just cuddled we started watching some tv.

"So..." Robbie said and I looked up at him from where my head was on his chest.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile and he laughed and shook his head.

"I love you." Robbie said and I smiled.

"And I love you." I said.

"Scout, you mean everything to me. Not just protecting you but everything. This started off as a job but the minute I met you I knew I was a goner even with your stubborn "I don't need a babysitter" side. I mean I let you call me Bert a few times, I just wanted you. I dreamed of you every night and you were everything to me. You are even more to me now Scout, I love you and I want to be in your life forever and prove it to you every day...." Robbie started saying and I just looked at him as we sat up in the bed. He reached of something on the floor beside the bed and brought up a small black velvet box.

"Robbie..." I said covering my mouth. He smiled at me. and took my left hand in his.

"Scout De Marco....yes I know you hate that last name so how about we make it Scout Pronge?" Robbie asked and opened the box to reveal a black diamond ring. I smiled at him in shock.

"Are you saying...?" I asked and he smiled at me and huffed a laugh.

"Will you marry me sweets?" Robbie asked.

"Will you marry me sweets?" Robbie asked

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