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Reader's POV

Today was my first test at the DWMA, Shadow may not have looked that nervous on the outside but I could sense that he was worried. Will you relax? I asked him, you'll do fine. "I'm not worried about me, Shadow said, I'm worried about you. What is the professor going to say when you hand in a blank test? Or what if he yells at you during the test because he sees your not working?" I shrugged, considering that Stein already knows what I am I think he'll let me slide. Who knows? Maybe he'll have me take it orally.

"if that happens you're sure to get an A, Shadow said, but are you sure we can't tell anyone about you? Even Lord Death?" No, I said, if anyone finds out they'll treat me like I'm weak and we will never get a mission. "But Stein already knows, Shadow insisted, and all he did was tell you where to sit." He's different, I said, he focused on my soul strength. Besides I'm pretty sure he's waiting for a good time to dissect me. Shadow sighed in defeat, you're probably right on that one.

*le time skip*

Why do I have to be the pack mule? I asked, Shadow was making me carry all of our books as he walked me through the hall. "Because I can't guide and carry at the same time." I ripped my shoulders away from his grip, in that case I'll walk on my own. I turned and took two steps forward and ran into someone, the books fell to the floor as well as my sunglasses. Shadow started laughing along with a few other kids.

"I am so so sorry! A familiar voice apologized, it was Death the Kid. Let me help you." No, I said bending down to pick up my stuff with my eyes closed. I've got it. Kid must have bent down at the same time because our heads bounced off one another's and we both fell to the floor. Ouch! I cried. Sorry, sorry! Kid said. I froze when I felt him touch my head, then I realized he was putting my glasses back on.

"I wish you would let me see under your sunglasses Name, Kid said as he put Shadow's books back in my hands and helped me stand up. I bet you have beautiful eyes." You'd lose that bet, I told him, they say my eyes are my worst feature. Shadow chuckled, Well I'm sorry to interrupt but Name and I have to get to class.

Oh, Kid sounded disappointed again, I'm I really that interesting to talk to? Bye, said Kid, good luck on the test. I smiled, thanks. Good luck to you too. Shadow took me by the shoulders and walked me to our class room. He was smiling at you, Shadow whispered.

We walked into class and Stein stopped us, "Lord Death would like to see you both in the Death room." What about our test? Shadow asked. Sheesh can he not look the gifted horse in the mouth? "Not my problem, Stein replied. Death Room. Now" Shadow and I left class but I could feel someone glaring daggers into my backside. Shadow is their someone staring at us? I asked. Yeah, Shadow replied, that Maka girl doesn't look to happy. I let it roll off my shoulders

Me and Shadow walked into the Death Room. Hey hey, hey kiddos! A high-pitched voice greeted, I assume Lord Death's. Yes Lord Death? Shadow asked, he sounded nervous. "I've got quite the exciting mission for you two, Lord Death answered. A Kishin is running around and I'm assigning you two to go as your first mission." My mouth dropped open, Are you serious!? I asked, your sending us on a mission? Lord Death tilted to the side until he was bent in half. "Is there a problem? he asked. No! I cried, no problem at all. Well then, Lord Death said, be on you way then and good luck!

Death the Kid x reader A pair of mysteriesWhere stories live. Discover now