The only one

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Shadow's POV

Name's sunglasses fell to the ground as everyone gasped, except me of course. Since I already knew her secret. "N-Name, Kid breathed, your eyes." I looked at the others, Maka had a look of a mixture of shock and defeat, Blackstar was flat out speechless, and Kid. Well I couldn't really read Kid as well, he looked...scared. Name balled her hands into fists, waiting for everyone's answers. "I have to speak to my father, Kid said. You can't go on a mission like this." Name looked furious, which made Kid look uneasy. "You are not canceling my mission! Name yelled, Shadow and I can do anything you can! I don't want or need anyone other than Shadow! He's the only one who hasn't treated me like a weakling!" With that Name turned around and marched away. I noticed that she was about to fall down the steps. I ran forward and grabbed her arm, luckily for me she recognized my touch or she would have slapped me.

*time skip*

Reader's POV

I couldn't believe them, I hate it when people do stuff like that, acting like I need their help. I can you see know! I can only see aura's, so you know I can only see living people, then only thin outlines, but that still counts as seeing! And I can see ghosts clear as day! Shadow was the only one who never looked at me differently. I can still remember the day we first met.

I was walking down the street and I heard a noise come from down an ally, like an idiot I followed the sound. I was about half way down the ally, someone jumped at me from the shadows. Next thing I knew I was on the ground. I turned around and saw a dull blade pointed at my throat, at the other end of it was a young boy. He looked to be about 9 or so, he had a long scar going across his mouth, which I could only see because auras tend to be thicker near cuts. "Please don't!" a small voice begged. I looked down and saw another boy's face's outline in the blade, the boys were identical, as far as I could tell, except the one in the blade didn't have a scar. "Who are you?" I asked. "Can it lady!" The first boy told me. That ticked me off. "Ok, I said. First off I am no lady, I'm the tomiest tomboy that ever lived. And secondly if you don't explain yourselves right now I'm gonna open a can of butt-whoop all over your sorry behinds understood?"

Judging be the silence the boys were shocked at my outburst. "B-but, the first boy stuttered. your blind aren't you?"
"Please don't hurt her!" the second boy cried, he was now a boy from the waist up. From the waist down he was just a hilt. "Can we please just combine back together Sha?" the second boy asked. "No way, Sha said. I am not going back to being one person with you. Now turn back into a blade so we can rob his girl!" That's when I swung into action, I grabbed both boys by their ears and clunked their heads together.

Ouch! both boys said in union. I was now standing over them as they sat next to each other, rubbing their heads in pain. "I said I want an explanation." I demanded. "This is Sha, and I'm Ow. Ow said, we are the dark and light sides to a single person..."

"Name wake up", Shadow said. I woke up on Shadow's back as he hiked through what sounded like the forest. "Where are we?" I asked. "About half a mile from where the Kishin is supposed to be. Shadow said. Are you ok?"
"Yeah just let me wake up before we dive into the fight." I said.

Are you still thinking about the others?


Name I can tell when your lying

fine, I'm upset.


I hate not being treated like a normal tomboy

Shadow chuckled, "yeah your tomiest tomboy I know." I smiled, "and don't you forget it. Hey, do you remember the day we first met?"
"Yeah, said Shadow. Best day of me life. You put me back together, and you didn't care about my title." My smile grew wider. "Yeah I am pretty great, but c'mon idiot don't get all sentimental on me." Shadow stopped, "Wha- You were the one reminiscing about the past!"

*time skip by Rin "read about me and Name!" "Hey he doesn't even go here!"-Shadow

*LOUD explosion* "I can take care of myself Kid!" I cried. "No, Kid yelled back. I'm pretty clear you can't!" Kid was standing between me and the Kishin. We were both covered in burses and bleeding. Another explosion went off, sending Kid flying into a stone slab. I got nocked back too, Shadow's two halves turned into boys and collapsed into a pile.

"No!" I ran to Kid, since I could still feel Shadow's soul flowing strong so I knew he wasn't dead. "Kid are you ok!?" I asked. "He's out cold! Liz cried in her weapon form, what do we do?"
"I'll have to use you." I said picking up Liz and Patty. "But your a swordswomen!" Patty cried. "And our souls are too different!" Liz added. "Do you want to save Kid and Shadow or not?" I asked.

I charged the Kishin, the truth was I had no idea how to use pistols. I tried to resonate with Liz and Patty and something freaky happened. We actually did it. Only something was off, the curve of the pistols straitened. Instead of the barrel used to shoot bullets, blades grew out of the guns. "Wow we're swords sis! Patty cried, I'm all pointy!"

The Kishin punched the ground in front of me, I ran up it's giant arm and jumped. Aiming both my swords at it's head, something hard and strong hit me from the side, I realized it was the things other arm. I was sent flying into a piece of cement building. I fell to the ground with a thud.

I opened my eyes, my head throbbed, my body ached. I saw a small blue light hovering in front of me, a human soul. Surprisingly I could read the soul quit easily. It was the soul of a young girl who had lived in the house which was now nothing but rubble. I thought of something that would get me into serious trouble, get me kicked out of the academy. Maybe even thrown in prison for the rest of my life, but I had to do it. "For Shadow." I rasped.

I let go of Patty and reached out, wrapping my weak fingers around the soul. I brought the soul to my lips and pushed the soul into my mouth. As I swallowed the soul whole like I had seen Shadow do 45 times before, it dissolved in my throat. For a scary moment nothing happened, but then I felt a surge of pure energy. I stood up, feeling power course through my veins. I finally understood why Kishins came into being, at that moment I felt like I could beat death. Like I could wrap a string around the universe and play with it like a yo-yo.

I picked up Patty and charged the Kishin once more, well I more glided over the ground. It felt amazing, time seemed to slow down. I moved at full speed and destroyed the Kishin with a few quick strokes. I looked back and saw Shadow and Kid staring at me, wait I could see them? As in actually see them!? All at once all the energy left my body. I got dizzy, Liz and Patty turned back to humans and caught me as I blacked out.

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