Sisters and dates

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Reader's POV

I was sitting in class next to Shadow, waiting for the rest of the class to file in. Shadow leaned over and whispered in my ear. "How did you know that it wasn't the real Excalibur?" I sighed, then I began to tell the story from memory. "Once, there was a young boy. He was a beggar, his family had been killed or taken away from him several years prior. He was in the market, about to con some merchant out of food, when he saw a small girl being beaten by some thugs. He saved her and took her back to his hidden home in the woods. There he found out that she had no name or family, she was a slave taken from her home because of a feud between two warlords. Apparently someone had fallowed them and tried to kill them. That's when the girl transformed into a sword, the sword. They defeated the thugs and the boy gave the girl the name Excalibur, which was made using the first letter in the first name of the thugs that they defeated. The boy grew up to be know as King Arthur, the Bear of Great Britain."

Shadow's mouth dropped open, are you saying that the most famous weapon in history was a nameless girl? I nodded, "she protected him and he gave her a home and family. Sounds like a good deal to me. Not much different from our situation is it?" Shadow smiled, yeah except I protect you and give you a home and family. I rolled my eyes, shut up. I've saved you just as many times as you've saved me. Shadow chuckled, guess you're right on that one.

Um, Name? Someone asked. I turned and saw a teenage boy with powder white hair and blood red eyes standing next to where I was sitting. "Hello, I greeted him. Something you need?" I'm Soul, he said scratching the back of his neck. I uh, saw you looking around and you looked really...uh I'm so uncool. Soul groaned. I chuckled, "are you asking me out?" Soul blushed, yeah. I mean, it's cool if you say no. I glanced at Shadow who was smiling at me like this was the most adorable situation in the world. I punched his shoulder and turned back to Soul. That sounds fun, meet me at 7 Friday night? Soul's eyes lit up. Cool I'll a, see you there. I chuckled, is that a pun? Soul blushed a little deeper and walked back to his seat. I saw Kid glaring at him out of the corner of my eye. I huffed, what's his problem?

"Class we have a new student today, Stein interrupted. He gestured lazily to a teenage girl with long black hair that hid one of her eyes under a purple beanie. She looked really shy despite the punk clothes, she was wearing baggy ripped jeans that covered most of her rubber boots. She had fingerless black lace gloves that went to her elbows and a purple shirt under a denim vest. Suddenly Shadow stood up, staring at the girl. Shadow? I asked, what's wrong? The girl looked up and I saw her eye widen and shine. She ran up to us and through her arms around Shadow, he in return wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Well Shadow, Stein continued. Since you two clearly know each other then you can be in charge of showing her around Death City. Shadow nodded and sat down, the girl taking a seat next to him.

I stared at Shadow like he was from a different planet. Who was this girl and why is Shadow so close to her? That's when it hit me, Shadow had mentions someone. Someone close to him that had saved him from the shockwave before he ran away. Could this girl be the one?

Liz's POV

I saw the new girl run up and Shadow hugging her. Meanwhile I listened to my heart shatter into a million pieces. I tried to hold back my tears and gridded my teeth. Kid took my hand in his, I looked at him and saw that he was half glaring at Soul and half crying over the fact that Name said yes to Soul's date invitation. Kid had been planning to ask her out after class, I knew how he felt. I looked back at Shadow and sighed, that girl looked really important to Shadow. Were they together?

They guys! So I hope you liked this! I can't wait to see what happens on you and Soul's date or what Kid plans to do about it.

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