The Students get a show

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Shadow's POV

(Y/N) I were walking out of the infirmary when I spotted Kid. I looked at (Y/N) and smiled. She was in awe of everything around us. The trees, the sky, even the sun that was on crack. She smiled and stared at everything, then she spotted Kid. Her face fell and I felt like going over and punching the son of Death. Really!? She was actually happy for once! I thought. Stupid grim reaper!

My meister and I walked over to Kid and his weapons. "Hello." (Y/N) said. "Wow! (Y/N) you can see again!" Patty cried. She wrapped her arms around (Y/N) in a bone crushing hug. Immediately (Y/N)'s arms bolted to her sides, it wasn't that big of a surprise. She wasn't used to being touched by anyone but me, even then I never really hugged her, I felt bad for that. "Yeah." (Y/N) croaked from being squished. "It's nice to see you Patty." (Y/N) smiled at her own joke.

Patty let go of (Y/N) and she looked at Kid. "Hey." she said. "Hey." he answered. "Maybe we should give them some space to talk." Liz whispered. "Oh there's no need." (Y/N) said. I smiled at how shocked Liz was, even though (Y/N) could see didn't mean her hearing had left her. "I'm perfectly comfortable talking about what happened in front of you guys." (Y/N) continued. "And what exactly happened?" Kid asked.

"Um, well I beat the Kishin by myself. Kinda like Lord Death told me too. Without your help."

"Oh really!? Well I remember you lying and breaking the rules and using someone else's weapons without permission!"

"What!? I didn't break any rules! Lord Death sent me on that mission on my own!"

"Hey!" I protested. "Oh you know I was just trying to make a point!" My meister told me.

"And another thing!" (Y/N) continued. "If I hadn't used your weapons you would be dead right now!"

By know students had gathered around to see the screaming match. "You still should have told the truth!" Kid cried. I was surprised to see how hurt Kid looked, as if it hurt him to argue with (Y/N).

"I wouldn't have had to use your weapons if you didn't get nocked out!"

"I wouldn't have gotten nocked out if I hadn't had to protect you!"

"You didn't have to protect me! If you hadn't come then I wouldn't have had to save your sorry butt!"

"Well I don't need a blind girl to save me!"

The crowd all reacted all at once, "Ooohhhhh." I saw Kid's anger dissolve in his eyes as sadness and hurt filled (Y/N)'s. I walked over and stood between my meister and the grim reaper, glaring at him. "Don't. You. Dare. Insult my meister. Again." I felt (Y/N) shaking behind me. I glanced at her to see her glaring at the ground, her fists clenched and shaking in anger.

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and we both marched away, all the way back to our apartment. It was just in time too, (Y/N) buried her face in my chest and nearly drowned herself in her own tears.

Kid's POV

"Stupid, stupid. STUPID! I am an asymmetrical idiot! How could I yell at her like that? Idiot! How could I take a jab at her about something so personal? Idiot! And worst of all I made her weapon mad at me so I can't even ask him to help me make it up to her. Idiot!"

"Kid will you stop yelling at yourself in the mirror!?" Liz called from down the hall. "You screwed up, but know you need to let her cool off before doing anything rash!"

I hated myself but Liz was right, I couldn't beat myself up about a mistake. I had to focus on how to make it right.

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