Soul Mates

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Reader's POV

I sat down next to Kid's bed and sighed. What's happening to me? Every time I saw him like this I felt my heart hurt. Lord Death stood in the corner, his mask had adopted a worried face as he starred at Kid. "How could this have happened? I asked. My voice sounded dry and raspy. What could possibly do this to a grim reaper?" Death thought for a moment, "Someone who Kid must trust, or love. I can't think of anything else that could possibly hurt him so fatally. Not even a witch's power could hurt him so." I felt my chest hurt again, someone he loved? So it was a betrayal. That I could understand. Love I wasn't so sure about, I wasn't used to hearing that word a lot. It had never really held any meaning when my parents said it, though I haven't seen them in years. Lord Death sighed and left the room, unable to look at his coma induced son any longer.

Liz walked in and I turned to look at her, she had been with Kid just as much a I was. "Hey Liz", I rasped. "What kind of monster would do this?" Liz glared at me, "You really haven't figured it out yet? After the way he constantly looked at you? How he was always so flustered around you? Or how about how he came home crying over the fact that you were going out with Soul?"

I felt like I had just been punched, I was the one who hurt Kid? Me? If I hadn't already cried so much today I might have had some tears left. Tears instead sprung to Liz's eyes, "He loves you. He loved you and you broke him without even trying." He never told me, I thought. How was I supposed to know if he never told me? I never even thought to pay attention to him. I was just some random meister wasn't I? How was I supposed to know I could have such a strong impact on someone's life? I barely ever talked to him!

Liz left to clean up and get something to eat. I stared at Kid, did I really mean that much to him? I ran my hand along his cheek and trough his soft hair. I have to make this up to him, some how. I held his hand, knitting our fingers together. I laid down next to him and closed my eyes, focusing on his soul wavelength.

I opened my eyes, now floating in the middle of darkness. I looked down at myself, my body was deep blue, my hair tied at the tips with silver shards. I looked around, black, black, and... oh guess what! More black. Dang it Kid where are you? This is your  soul for crying out loud! I leaned forward and my body began to float forward too. I'd always loved this part about coming into souls, I felt like I was flying. Usually if I was healing I would move to any rips I saw and sew them back together, but there weren't any rips here. I moved forward for a little while before I saw it. A giant yellow gash, about 30 feet tall and jagged. "Kid", I breathed. This must be where his soul splits in two, I guess I could try and heal it. Maybe I could find Kid then. I reached out and felt the wave of energy coming from it, brokenness overwhelmed me, turning my soul two shades darker. I didn't even know it could get darker! How much sadness can one soul carry?

I touched the yellow opening. Like getting hit by a bus, I was thrown into the void. I tumbled head over heels until falling back first into a pile of bones. I sat up, now wearing a navy blue shirt that matched my soul perfectly and jeans. "Aahh!" I heard someone cry out in pain. I scrambled up and ran down the corridor that was bathed in a yellow light. The cry came again and I stumbled, pain coursed through my heart. Hold on Kid, please. I kept running at top speed. Finally I came into a large circler room. Kid was sprawled out on a table in the middle of the room, bleeding and crying. "Kid!" I cried. I ran over to him and lifted his head up in my hands. His golden eyes looked so dead I almost burst into tears myself. "Kid, I breathed, can you hear me?"

Kid's head bobbed up to look at me. "Name, he rasped. I- Aahh!" Kid arched his back, a look of pain plastered on his face. "Kid! I cried. It's ok Kid I'm here, I... I understand what's wrong." I pressed my fingertips into his head and soul energy into him. His body relaxed and he looked up at me with sad eyes. "What do you mean? He asked, How could you understand? Your dating Soul!" Kid's eyes teared up and I pulled his head into my chest. His arms wrapped weakly around my waist, blood smearing on my clothes. I ran my fingers through his hair, "Kid I am so sorry. I cooed, I didn't think that I was that important to anyone. I never meant to hurt you I swear. I know you probably never want to look at me again, let alone forgive me. But please, just don't die, not yet. Your dad, Liz, patty, they all miss you and need you."

Kid looked up at me, tears still pooled in his eyes. He wiped them away and stood up. "So how do we heal me? Get me back to my family?" I nodded and took his hands in mine. It was a little awkward, holding hands. I closed my eyes and focused on Kid's history. Wait a minute. I opened my eyes, "You don't abject to me digging into your past right? I can't heal you if I can't dig and... well, I know people can be sensitive about that kind of stuff."

Kid shifted his weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. "Um, how far back are you going to go?"

"A few weeks."

"Ok, that doesn't sound so bad, nothing too embarrassing has happened lately." 

I frowned, "I know nothing bad has happened. You've been in the hospital for almost 2 and a half weeks now." Kid looked shocked, but he nodded, signaling me that it was ok to start. I closed my eyes and focused on the energy in the room, channeling it into the yellow break in his soul. Slowly, the soul began to stitch itself back together. A small smile creped across my face, healing people always made me feel good. Like I was taking away the bad things that pushed them over the edge.

I opened me eyes, me and Kid were now floating in a white space. Me back in my soul form, and Kid was now a floating yellow vision of himself. We immediately let go of each other, if souls could blush then I'd be a tomato. Kid gave me a sad look, "Your soul. It's...different. What are those silver things?" I reached up and touched the silver in my hair, "Fragments of a witch attack."

I pointed to my collar bone, slowly tracing my fingers down my body in-between my breasts and down to my bellybutton. Not in a seductive way, more like a look-at-where-I'm-pointing way. Kid's eyes followed, studying my scar. "I got this along time ago, depression mixed with a witch attack. My soul got this pretty nasty crack in it, that's when I started seeing auras. My soul healed within weeks, the doctors said I must have had a guardian angle. But I found out the truth not long after. A witch saved my life, why? I don't know, she taught me about fighting and being meister.  I don't know what she wants, I ended up living on the streets after she had to meet with other witches. Said it was too dangerous for me."

Kid looked shocked. "N-Name I...I don't know what to say. Have you had any contact with the witch since?" I shook my head, slowly I closed my eyes. When I re-opened them I was laying in bed with Kid. Instantly I shot up and hopped out of the bed, Kid's eyes opened. He looked up at me weakly. "Water." He rasped. I ran and got a glass of water and handed it to him. He chugged it down and gave me a small smile. "Thank you, for everything." I nodded and turned to leave. There was no use in staying here, no matter how much I wanted to hug him and sit with him. The fact is he didn't want to see me. "Name," Kid called. I turned in time to see him try to get up. His knees buckled and I raced over to catch him. I held him up by his waist, his hands resting on my shoulders. I looked at him and we both blushed, our faces only an inch apart. "Man, Kid breathed. You're so symmetrical." I felt my heart beat faster. Why did I feel this way? What's happening to me? "Umm, Kid? I asked. You really need to rest."

Kid blinked, "Yeah um. Just, h-how was your date with Soul?" For a moment I forgot who that was, then I remembered. "Oh um, it was fine. It was more like we were just hanging out as friends. I asked him about Maka and gave him some advise about asking her out." I helped him into bed before he spoke. "Ask Maka out? But he was on a date with you!" I chuckled at how annoyed and appalled Kid looked. "I know but he likes Maka, he asked me out as a practice. I don't mind." I walked over to a remote and clicked the button for the nurse to come in so she could tell the family that Kid was awake. Within the next few minutes Liz, Patty, and Kid's dad were talking with him and smiling. I slipped out the door and went back home to formally meet this... Drew, person. Still hard to wrap my head around the fact that Shadow has a little sister.

Please note: If you want to read more of Kid x reader and you don't mind lemon I have a story that takes place in the future of this one. Death the Kid x reader, Mating Season.

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