Chapter Two - Family Matters

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Jack looked up at his front door, in just a couple more steps he would be safe. His heart was racing and his body was so weak and painful that he thought, any minute he would collapse to the floor, out of pure pain and exhaustion. While walking home it had started raining, so now he was soaking wet and he had a chill running up and down his spine. The day had also gotten colder all of a sudden and there was a cold breezy wind blowing right up Jacks t-shirt, making him feel ten times worse, he could feel himself shaking from head to toe, which only made his stomach and shoulder pain hurt even more.
Jack tried to stop himself shaking and took in a deep, painful breath. When he finally calmed himself to a good enough level he pushed open the door. Sure enough just has he had expected his worried but still rather annoyed mother Amanda, was standing in the hallway, tapping her foot. 

'Great now I'm grounded as well' Jack thought. Jack and his mother never seemed to have the closest of relationships, they didn't spend time together and because his mother worked random shifts at a nearby pub, they hardly saw each other. She would always find something to moan at him about, they just couldn't sit in the same room as each other anymore. Jack wasn't too bothered though as he liked his privacy but at times like this, she could be a real pain. As for his father, well he had left when Jack was about 10 but again his father didn't seem to care for Jack or his mother. Especially as Jacks mother had found him with another woman and told him to get out. To Jacks annoyance he'd left without out saying a word. So the only family member he felt like he could count on was his grandfather, who he didn't see much anymore as they had moved a bit far away. But whenever Jack gets a weekend free he goes around to visit him, to tell him about his new friends, Dojo and to show any new moves his working on. His grandfather had taught him everything he knew but also he had taught Bobby Wasabi! Which everyone thought was awesome, but this did annoy Jack as some of his other friends, befriended him just to get to know Bobby.Jack looked back at his mother who hadn't changed her attitude since he'd been standing there. So Jack put on the best smile he could and simply said

 "Sorry mum. I must of stayed a bit too late, this time."

"Understatement, Jack!" She shouted 'here we go' Thought Jack rolling his eyes "How many times do you have to be reminded about your curfew? I was worried sick. I even thought you'd....." She paused, Jack noticed that she had just taken a good look at him, finally realising his soaking wet, muddy and slightly ripped clothing.

"What happened Jack?" She asked looking rather puzzled. She was still looking at his clothes, like they held some kind of hidden explanation. She soon gave that up and stared at her son waiting for an answer.

"Nothing. Well I'm really tired from practice I'm just going to go to bed now. Night!" Jack grinned trying to make a quick exit up stairs before he got any more questions. But his mother firmly gripped his arm and gently pulled him to a stop."What Happened?" She asked again more softly this time "and I want the truth Jack." She generally looked concerned for the first time in ages, but Jack didn't think he could keep this up anymore, as his legs where starting to give way and she was holding his painful arm.

"That is the truth. Now can I go please?" Jack groaned, he pulled away from her grasp and was in his room before she said another word.

Jack walked straight to his bed not even bothering to looking into the mirror, as he was scared of what he would see, a soaking wet, beaten up looser. Jack threw off his clothes forgetting about the pain for a moment and throwing on some new boxers. He then fell on his bed out of exhaustion and winced at the pain that shot through his body. What have I achieved at this new Dojo?

Jack thought The Red Scorpion's still can beat me.

What have I been doing for 5 years? I can't believe I lost to them again...I lost...I los...t... Jack fell asleep with the last thought playing over and over again in his head.

At 7am on the dot his alarm clock went off, making Jack jump out of his skin, nearly causing him to fall out of bed. Jack lay in his bed staring at his ceiling; he didn't want to go to school, to practice or the mall, for the first time since he moved here. How can I face the Red Scorpion's again? I lost.

Feeling angry at himself Jack got out of bed and chucked on the nearest cleanness pair of trousers and t-shirt. Not brothering to check if they went together he picked up his school bag. He screamed out in agony dropping his bag to the floor, as his shoulder cried in pain. How am I going to get through school and training like this?

Jack wondered, he simply shrugged his shoulders and walked down the stairs. Hearing his stomach grumbled at him, made him realise how hungry he was. He slipped into the kitchen to get some breakfast for himself, slightly surprised to see his mother sitting reading a newspaper.

"Morning!" He smiled to her. He couldn't believe how much better he felt compared to last night. He only hoped he looked as good as he felt. He shoulder wasn't hurting as much as a few minutes ago and even his stomach was at a bearable pain level.

"Morning, Jack!" She smiled pulling herself away from her newspaper "What happened last night. Tell me!" she demanded."I already told you that nothing happened!" Jack groaned chucking some toast into the toaster."Yeah sure.... Why did you scream just now?" she asked

"I didn't scream!" Jack glared "I just stumped ma toe that's all."

"You always do this." She groaned

"Do what?" Jack asked not even paying much attention to her.

"When ever something happens you shut me out." She sighed "I can help...."

"No you can't, so just stay out of it!" Jack shouted just as his toast popped up, he grabbed them and walked to the door.

"Does it have anything to do with the Red Scorpion's relocating to the Mall?" she asked making Jack freeze in his tracks 

"If they are giving you a hard time again Jack I want to know. We can move again if you like."

"Running is not an option anymore mum."

"I see I understand honey. It's just I can't stand to see you get hurt..." she sighed

"I'm fine!" Jack sighed.

"NO YOUR NOT!" She shouted "Do you think I'm blind or something Jack? I know you...."

"No you don't!" Jack shouted interrupting her; he turned on his heel and walked out the front door, leaving his mother speechless and tearful behind. He regretted it as soon as he got out of the house but didn't feel the need to go back inside as he didn't have anything else to say to her. Clutching his painful stomach he continued his journey to school.

The school day went by much better than expected, most of the lessons where so boring, he found himself falling asleep. His shoulder was much better hardly hurting at all and even his stomach was a bit better too. Jack skipped out of his last lesson which so happened to be Pe and headed to the Dojo. He figured if he got there early he could practice and strengthen up his muscles and his defence. He knew this training session with the warriors was going to be the hardest, but he figured as long as he didn't get Rudy or Kim to spare with he'd ok, as the others where easy to defend against. When his Sensei and friends finally showed up, he was annoyed to be chosen to spare with Kim. Putting his annoyance and his fear aside he attacked her, while she blocked, but when it was Kim's turn to attack everything went wrong. Somehow one of her fast, strong kicks landed in Jack's painful stomach. The force of the kick sent Jack flying backwards; he landed on the floor clutching his screaming stomach. Suddenly Jerry, Milton and Eddie appeared above him.

"What just happened?" Jerry asked looking from Kim (who looked horrified) to Jack.

"Kim just scored on Jack!" Milton cried. Ignoring them Jack jumped to his feet trying to breath out the pain, he walked over to Kim put on his best smile and said "Nice kick Kim! You get better every day!" Everyone was still in shock because Jack the unbeatable had been beaten. Jack sat on the nearest bench trying desperately to stop the pain, he noticed Kim had sat next to him leaving the others to there training.

"Are you ok Jack?" She asked guilt and concern was written all over her face

"I'm fine, it wasn't that bad! Don't feel bad because you beat me Kim. That was incredible!" Jack smiled

"That's not what I meant!" Kim glared Jack looked at her confused "Who are the Red Scorpion's and why did they do this to you?" Jack just stared at her, how does she know? He thought....?

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