Chapter Eight - A new Wasabi Warrior appears

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Kim ran as fast as she could, as Elijah raised the knife. Using all her strength she threw herself at him pushing the blade out of the way. Kim managed to knock Elijah hard enough that he lost his grip on Jack. He let him go and Jack fell to the floor in a heap, gasping for his breath. Kim sighed in relief; she had managed to stop Elijah. She looked at the sensei and smiled, but before she could react he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the wall. Kim gasped and struggled for her breath, feeling so stupid for turning her back on him, it may have only been a few seconds but that was enough time for this to happen. Now the rescuer needed rescuing. 

"You little brat!" Elijah yelled

"!" Jack huffed as he tried to move, but no matter how hard he tired the pain was too great.

"Shut up Hero!" Elijah glared Kicking Jack in the face, knocking him out. Kim looked towards Jack wishing that they could be together out somewhere at this moment, black dots appeared in her vision, and she started to find it really hard to keep her eyes open. Just as she slipped into the darkness she was dropped to the floor, shaking away the blackness and taking in deep breaths of air, she quickly took the opportunity to crawl to Jacks side. She shook him gently but he was out for the count, Kim then looked up and saw a young girl standing in front of her for the first time. Kim watched as the young girl pulled back her kick from Elijah. The kick must have made contact and that was how Kim was dropped, Kim stared at her in amazement, they must be the same age and yet this girl who was defiantly stronger, had kicked Elijah!

"Hey sensei just came for my afternoon lesson." She said bowing respectfully at him with a huge grin on her face. She looked very proud of herself for kicking him, like she had wanted to do that for a long time.

"Err.... I told you that there was no training today!" He said looking at her in complete surprise."Oh sorry I must have forgotten. But as I'm here now care to tell me WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON?" She asked looking at Eddie, Jerry and Milton who where still being held by the scorpions. Suddenly her glance came across Jack and Kim she froze, her face softened and then got really angry; she turned to her sensei clutching her fists rather tightly together.

"Nothing is going on here! I suggest you leave, I shall see you for practice tomorrow!" Sensei Elijah bowed and then he pointed to the front door.

"Oh really!" She glared "Then why is my brother here?" All of the warriors and Kim looked at her in shock.

"This is none of your concern Missy, So leave!" Elijah yelled

"It has everything to do with me! He is my brother, my family and all I have left. And you think it's ok to declare a fight against him. That's the only reason he is here isn't it? To fight against you. AM I RIGHT?" She yelled, Kim looked at her and realised she did look a lot like Jack; she had his hair and eye colour. She had the same attitude as him and defiantly his short temper. She was wearing a light blue chequered top with a white top underneath, skinny jeans and baby blue conversers. She had a black belt over her shoulder proving to everyone she was no push over when it came to karate.

"Whaaaaaaaat!" Eddie, Milton and Jerry sung in tune.

"Hello there sorry to interrupt!" Kim smiled "Jack girlfriend, Kim Crawford here, did you say Jack's your brother?"

"Oh hi!" she smiled "Yeah well his really my half brother the names Layla, Layla Anderson! Same Dad different mothers."

"Aww what a sweet introduction between new friends. Now get going or I shall banish y...." Elijah was cut off

"Me Banished? You're going to banish me!" Layla laughed "That's rich coming from you. Tell you what you don't have to banish me. I QUIT!"

"You can't quit!"

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