Chapter One - Jack and the Red Scorpion's!

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~~ Hello thank you for giving this a read. Please bear in mind that this story is over 10 years old. My writing wasn't amazing back then (And I didn't have thee amazing Grammarly to help me haha) but I wanted to share my old stories with you all here on Wattpad. The Kickin' it stories was originally posted on my page under the name --- MrsCharlieAckles -- (changed to Layla Brewer in the last year or so) while I was in college and also starting my new job at the time. They were a nice distraction and fun thing to do as I enjoyed the series so much. They are tagged as mature and I apologise for spelling mistakes etc as my English isn't the best (as in the lesson. I am from the UK. haha). I appreciate any comments or likes. And if by some small chance you knew me on fanfiction please say hi!

I will be uploading all my fanfiction stories from this series and possibly continuing as one story only has one chapter and is unfinished. 

Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the mess that was my mind back in 2011 haha xxx~~

Jack looked up at the Wasabi sign outside his favourite Dojo. It had been just over a year since he joined the Wasabi Warriors; he couldn't image himself anywhere else anymore. He walked into the entrance and greeted his fellow warriors, he then bowed respectfully to his Sensei Rudy.

"I SWEAR BY THE LIGHT OF THE DRAGONS EYE TO BE LOYAL AND HONEST AND NEVER SAY DIE. WASABI!" After saying the Wasabi code, they got to practicing. Sensei Rudy set out tasks for his young warriors: Jack, Kim, Eddie, Jerry and Milton.

"Jerry vs. Milton. Jack vs. Eddie and Kim vs. me.

" Rudy shouted"Yes Sensei" they all shouted apart from Eddie who was looking a bit scared.

"What's up Eddie?" Rudy asked

"Do I have to spare with Jack? I can't handle Marge the lunch lady!

" He cried"Don't worry Eddie I'll take it easy on you!" Jack smiled. Jack was the strongest in the Dojo but hated being reminded about it, he wanted to be equal and although they were his friends they would rather talk, then fight against him. After practice was over the other warriors said their good byes and left for home. Only Jack and Sensei Rudy remained in the Dojo.

"Do you mind if I get some more practice on this training dummy, Rudy?" Jack asked "I won't be long I'm just trying to prefect a new move"

"Sure Jack, I'm going home though so if you could please lock up behind you." Rudy asked, Jack smiled and nodded at his Sensei. 

"Thanks Jack well then I'll see you tomorrow" Rudy smiled picking up his jacket, his keys and then walking out of the Dojo. Jack started to practice but not after too long he got tired and decided to call it a day. As he was always staying behind Rudy had given him a set of keys, so he could lock up behind himself. After checking the lights and heater was off he walked out of the Dojo, locking the door behind him. Walking back to his house was something he was getting used to, after being banned from using his skateboard in the mall, but this time seemed different. He felt like he was being followed. He quickly turned around and almost felt himself jump backwards with surprise, when he saw a Red Scorpion karate uniform. He looked up and saw the face of his former sparing partner.

"Hey Jack long time!" He said with his usual grin on his face but it seems even darker now.

"Alex? What are you...?" Jack started but he stopped himself when he noticed that he was surrounded by Red Scorpion's. He figured why they where there, so he made a run for it. Now he felt stupid running away like a coward, but these where no karate students to mess with. He knew them too well as he used to be in their Dojo, but he had left because he didn't agree on their principles. He felt like if he was to say this to anybody, it would sound like he was on about the karate kid movies, but the Red Scorpion dojo rule was no mercy to be given to anyone not even their own. Basically when fighting if some one was injured they would continue to fight them creating more damage then needed. The Red Scorpion's had been banned from most competitions as they where too ruff and didn't always abide by the rules. When Jack had left, the Sensei of the Dojo turned furious and angry declaring that Jack had disgraced him. He had become so angry at Jack that he had allowed his students to attack and beat up Jack when ever they wanted. Jack could fight them off no problem but after a while he had became exhausted one day when it was five on one and was badly hurt, sending him home for a couple of weeks. After specking with his mother they had moved to San Jose, California, where he enrolled in Seaford high school. Shortly after attending the school he had got into his first fight with another Dojo called the Black Dragons, who weren't really a match at all. From the fight he had gained new friends and after a little encouragement from them he joined the Bobby Wasabi martial arts academy, from which his karate was first about as his grandfather who taught him karate also taught Bobby Wasabi.

After running for awhile he found himself surrounded again by more Red Scorpion's. He turned to face Alex who seemed to be leading this gang. Alex still had his grin on his face and was walking around Jack squaring him up, so Jack mirrored him not allowing Alex to get behind him.

"Want to spare Jack. Oh and look no referee. So we can go on as long as we want!" Alex chuckled so did a few Red Scorpion's that Jack remembered. 

"I don't want to fight you Alex!" Jack glared "Enrol in the next competition and we maybe able fight there. Just go home. I have nothing to prove to you!" With that off his chest Jack made a brave and probably stupid decision to turn his back and try to walk away. He knew it was a bad idea but he was exhausted from the extra training he had just done. He wasn't in the mood to fight anyone at the moment and knew he wouldn't have a chance of winning a fight with Alex the way he was now. He heard Alex charge him and was able to move out of the way in time, but his reaction where slower than normal and his arms and especially his legs where aching from all of the training and the running that he had just done.

"You're not going anywhere Jack! You think just because you moved it was over? You disgraced our Sensei our Dojo now you will pay!" Alex Shouted aggressively "Now fight or just stand there helpless if you like, we'll still teach you a lesson and then take you back to our new Dojo, so our Sensei can sort you out!"

"New Dojo?" Jack asked calmly even though his heart was racing. Apart from clowns Jack was scared of one other thing, the Red Scorpion's Sensei, who defiantly had no mercy for anyone especially people who disgrace him.

"Yes you heard me. Our new Dojo is just on the other side of the Mall. So we will be seeing a lot more of each other." Alex laughed. Jack gulped trying to think of how much worse this afternoon could possibility get, apart from being beaten up and taken to their Sensei of course. Sadly Jack saw no option but to try and defend himself when Alex came at him again. Blocking punches and his kicks Jack realised that he was a lot stronger than last time.

"Come on Jack this is no fun. Fight back!" Alex laughed still throwing his punches and kicks. Still blocking Jack just shook his head trying really hard to concentrate on watching every move that Alex made so he could block them all. So he wasn't really expecting the kick to the back of his knees that sent him to the ground. He hadn't even noticed the other Red Scorpion's approaching him. Jack was kneeling on the floor unable to get up, so Alex managed to get into Jack's defence and send a painful kick to his stomach. Jack feel backwards holding his stomach, not only where they better they where nearly ten times stronger than last time. Alex stood over Jack and gave him a few more kick to his stomach forcing him onto one side. Jack knew he couldn't win so he just laid there waiting, praying for this to end. When Alex finally stopped kicking, Jack's left side of his stomach and shoulder where white hot with pain. Jack could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness. Alex quickly grabbed Jack by his clothes and placed him against the nearest wall. Jack suddenly found it hard to breath and his eyes keep getting heavier and heavier.

"See you real soon Jack" Alex smiled dropping Jack to the floor. He clapped his hands together twice and the Red Scorpion's followed him back towards their Dojo. Jack just laid still catching his breath, his left shoulder to his arm and his chest where on fire but he tried to ignore them as he knew he needed to get home before they came back. After a short pause he dragged himself to feet, struggling to walk he continued his now long, slow journey home....

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