Chapter 12 ~ Meet again

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Jack walked through the door and smiled at the sight of his girlfriend beating up a dummy. At least one good thing had came out of this ordeal, he'd finally asked her out! Four young teenagers watched her demonstration with excitement in their gleaming eyes. Jack nodded at her, then he hurried into the changing room to get dressed.

Jack walked onto the matt and smiled at his fellow warriors, ignoring Kim's glares he picked up some boards. Placing them onto the blocks he smashed them one by one. Then he turned his attention to the training dummy. At break Jack sat on the bench drinking some water as Kim approached.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"Hey honey how are you." Jack smirked

"I've missed you too Jack." Kim snapped "But you should be resting. Your not fully recovered yet." Jack went to say something but Kim cut him off. "I was watching you train on the dummy Jack. I say you flinch a few times from pain."

"Ok. You got me happy?" Jack sighed looking to the floor. "I've had enough of sitting at home. I'd rather train and be with you."

"It's only been a day.." Kim says croaking her head to one side

"I know. Have I said how adorable you look when you do that." Jack smiles making Kim blush.

"Just take it easy OK? Please." Kim begs

"So you don't want to spare?" Jack asks amused. Kim jumps up and playfully hits him in the arm.

"Shut up" she smiles sticking her tongue out.

After a few more hours of training it's time to leave. Jack and Kim leave together hand in hand. They walk down the back alleyway towards Kim's place. But they stop when a figure blocks the exit. Not liking where this is going Jack turns himself and Kim around, but they both walk into two guys.

"Jack...!" One whisperer's

"Kai?" Jack asks pushing Kim behind him. "I thought...?"

"You thought wrong Jack. I'm still pissed at you. Now fight me." Kai walks forwards, slowly coming into view.

"No." Jack sighs. Kai grabs Jack's collar and pulls him forward.

"Your such a coward Jack. Or are you scared because with a bruised rib you don't think you can win." Kai smiles looking at Jack's chest.

"Bruised rib?" Kim repeats confused. This is news even to her. Jack looks at her and manages to shrug. Clearly he knew but he just didn't tell her, why not?

"Look Jack. I'm not giving up and neither is my father. He may of left but he still wants you. So I thought why don't I come and get you? At least this way I get to have you first."

"You know I've really had it with you Kai. Your the coward you didn't want to fight me in china. And even now your stalling instead of fighting. What are you waiting for?" Jack glares at his cousin. Why when everything is going great does he have to show up and ruin everything?

"Jack... I'd watch what you say..!" Kai growls

"Or what?" Jack shouts, before he can react there's a knife in his shoulder. He cries out and is dropped to the floor. Kim goes to run to his side but she's held back.

"You see Jack, I don't care about you. I'll take you to my dad either way. Even if your half dead. So what's it going to be Jack? Surrender or fight?" Kai chuckles as he couches beside him.

"N..NO. I'm doing neither!" Jack growls trying to control the pain. Kai pushes the blade in further.

"Stop. Please Stop it!" Kim cry out desperately trying to get free, as Jack calls out in pain again.

"God your a stubborn one Jack. I'll see if the girl screams too if you like." Kai grins as he pulls the knife out. Blood pours out as Jack struggles to stop it, with his free hand he grabs Kai's wrist.

"Leave her alone." He shouts, using all his strength and the grip on Kai, Jack pulls himself to his feet. He winces at the pain as he kicks the two red scorpions holding Kim, Jack then slumps back to his feet. Finally free Kim kicks Kai hard making him drop the knife.

"You brat. When did I give you permission to get involved?"

"When you hurt my boyfriend." Kim shouts.

"Kim..." But before he can finish Jack blacks out. Kim positions herself between Jack and the others, it's up to her to protect him. They all attack her full force she holds her own for a while until it's all too much. One hard kick sends her to the floor just as Jack awakes. Kai comes at Kim with the Knife but Jack shields her. Kai stops just before impact so that the knife is at Jack's neck.

"Your so easy to predict Jack." Kai smiles

"How?" Jack glares

"You fight strong and your tough to beat i'll give you that. But as soon as someone you love is in trouble you loose your cool and become reckless."

"It's beacuse I have a heart and friends who actually like me. Your jealous aren't you." Jack smiles, making Kai shake with anger.

"Any last words?" Kai grins, but his grin fades when he sees something moving out of the corner of his eye. He stands and watches Six unknown people fighting the scorpions behind them. Once they beat the others they run in front of Kim and Jack. Kim moves so Jack can lay down. His shoulders bleeding badly but he'll live. Kim rips her top and uses it as a bandage. Jack smiles at her through half open eyes. Thanks. He mouths, she kisses him and applies pressure to the wound.

"Oowww!" Jack protests.

"Who are... Layla?" Kai shouts in surprise. The six figures stand in fighting poses. Layla nods at Jack and Kim and then stands at the front. Next to her is Sensei Rudy, Jerry, Sensei Ty, Frank and Brody.

"Unless you want to fight us all Kai. I suggest you leave." Layla glares.

"I'll be.." Kai starts

"Don't bother because if you come back we will be ready." Rudy shouts.

"You don't just fight one dojo you fight all." Sensei ty glares. Kai stands there staring at them all for a few more moments before he turns tails and runs.

The six high five each other.

"Thank you ty." Rudy smiles at his ex-enemy.

"Your welcome. There wouldn't be much competition if your dojo disappears. Say Brody want to join my dojo?" Ty asks changing the subject.

"No thank you. I only helped out because I owed the wasabi dojo one." Brody winked at Kim just before he headed off.

"Thanks guys." Kim smiles.

"Come on lets get out of here." Layla smiles helping Jack to his feet. "He really did a number on you."

"Shut up" Jack smirks.

Together they head back to the dojo, then Jack goes to the hospital. Kai never did come back. The only place Jack will see him again is in tournaments. At least now life in Seaford may go back to normal.

"Say Layla want to go out?" Jerry asks suddenly making everyone stare.

"Sure." Layla smiles sweetly taking his hand.


Not long after the grand finale fight with the red Scorpions, Milton and Eddie left the dojo, to do other things. While Layla decided to stay in Seaford , now that she had a new boyfriend and a new dojo. Layla and Jerry have been going out for a couple of weeks now, but Jack doesn't think its going to last long. When Jack finally returned to the dojo after his recovery, he couldn't get over had much stronger the warriors bond was and how much things had changed. He was now in a relationship with a beautiful strong girl, the warriors had a new strong member and they where starting to get more people asking to join! Even if the warriors where going separate ways their bond stayed the same.

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