Chapter Eleven - Old enemies...

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Jack sank to the floor with a thud. He put his head into his hands and sighed loudly. Kim watched from the bed not knowing what to say. She felt as though this was her doing. After all she let herself get taken.
"Jack?" Kim asked

"Yeah..." He muttered

"I'm sorr..." before Kim could continue Jack cut her off.

"This isn't your fault Kim, it's mine. He's after me." Jack shouted. Kim looked at him in surprise. "Sorry." He said more softly looking up at her "I'm just a bit angry at the moment. I didn't mean to shout."

"It's ok." She half smiled back at him. Jack got off the cold floor and sat next to Kim on the bed. He pulled her into a tight hug. Kim snuggling in to his warm chest, sighing happy that she was back in his arms. Jack leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Meanwhile Layla woke up and quickly looked at her surroundings, she knew them too well."Why are we in your Dojo?" She asked looking for Elijah.

"You'll see soon enough." Elijah grinned emerging from the shadows.

"Where is Jack and the others?" Layla glared

"You'll see them soon." He continued grinning. "Alex go and get our guests. But not our main one." He winked at Alex who nodded and left the room. He returned back with Eddie, Milton and Jerry. Alex pushed them into the room over to the corner where Layla was. Then Alex left the room again.

Jack shot up when he heard the door creak. He got into a fighting stance and pushed Kim behind him. Alex walked through the door and smiled.

"Hey Jack. Can I have little Kimmie for a sec?" He asked

"Let me think about that... NO!" Jack growled. Alex charged Jack, but he was flipped over. Jack pulled Kim and they ran out of the room together, down the hall and into a huge open room. Jack realised it was the wrong room as he ran straight into Elijah.

"Hello Jack!" Elijah grinned pushing Jack away

"What do you want with them? Let them go!" Jack growled after he'd regained his balance.

"There just here to watch our match. Nothing more, nothing less."

"NO! Wasabi warriors stand together!" Kim shouted

"YEAH!" The warriors shouted together.

"So be it!" Elijah glared snapping his fingers together. The red scorpions stepped forward and the fight began.

Eddie, Jerry and Milton took on two between them, Layla and Kim took on Alex and another, while Jack took on the biggest and hardest of the Scorpions. Elijah just stood back and watched. Kim and Layla's team work paid off they where slowly winning against there opponents. Alex seemed reluctant to hurt Layla so Kim used the opportunity to kick him down. The other Red Scorpion charged Kim, sending a kick towards her stomach. Gracefully Kim side stepped the attack easily missing it. With the Scorpion now in front of her, Kim hit him hard on his back. He fell to the floor hard. Kim turned around and looked at Layla and Alex's fight. Kim tapped Alex on his shoulder making him look at her; Layla used the distraction and kicked him hard in his stomach. Then they both high-fived each other, for there awesome teamwork and strength.

Layla walked towards Jerry, Milton and Eddie to see if she could assist them. While Kim stood by and watched Jack's fight, ready to help if he wanted it. Eddie, Milton and Jerry finally managed to win there fight without any help from Layla! Jack also finished off his fight with the big guy. Elijah glared at the Warriors.

"Well, I guess you have improved." Elijah shouted "BOYS!" As he said that four boys walked in with yellow uniforms.

"Wait....." Kim stared at the guys in shock. She knew them...! Kim's stare went to Jack, now she was truly worried.

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