Chapter Nine - Lovers Divided

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Jack jogged to his house still not able to get other how his injuries felt so much better. Finally reaching his front door he took out his keys and unlocked it. He walked into the hallway as quietly as he could, and yet he was still mobbed by Layla as soon as his foot touched the laminated flooring.

"Hey Bro!" She giggled "What took you so long?"

"Err..." Jack strutted gently pushing her away. 

"Wha....what's going on?" Layla laughed just when Jack's mother walked into the hall, carrying a glass of water. As soon as she saw Jack the glass slipped out of her hand and smashed to the floor. Ignoring the mess Jack's mum ran to him and hugged him tight. Now Jack's side was starting to hurt.

"Ow ow ow!" Jack complained "What's up with you?"

"What's up with me?" She snapped, pulling away from him. "You could have been killed. I was so worried Jack!"

"I'm....." Jack looked at Layla who shrugged, indicating to him that she was the one who told he's mother everything. "I'm sorry. I just..."

"You would have been killed if it wasn't for Layla! And Kim poor little Kim she could have been....."

"Just Shut up! I get it ok!" Jack yelled, turning on his heel he bolted up the stairs. Layla and Jack's mother looked at each other in shock not believing that Jack had acted like that, when Jack slammed his bedroom door, it made them jump breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Something I said?" Jack's mum asked looking really confused; she had a few tears in her eyes as well.

"I'm guessing he blames himself for Kim nearly getting hurt. He loves her so much. Even in his state he was willing to fight to defend her! He would have taken that knife for her. I joke around a lot with him but I really look up to him. I mean if it wasn't for Jack I would never have known Karate and right now I would be sitting at home, alone and bored."

"That's really sweet honey. You can stay here as long as you like." Jack's mum smiled sweetly.

"Thank you!" Layla grinned hugging her. "I'll go and see if Jack's Ok."

"Yes thank you. I'll bring some drinks up later. Dinner's at seven. Do you like a roast?" Jack mother asked as she got out the brush and dustpan.

"Yes I love it! Thanks again!" Layla smiled walking up the stairs, pausing she looked back at her stepmother. "Do you want me to clean that up for you?"

"Oh no it's alright honey. I've got it. Just please see if Jack's ok" She smiled her loving, kind smile that Layla loved, she didn't really know her own mother, who knew what her smile was like, so having a sort of stepmother like her was awesome.

Layla walked up the stairs and gently knocked on Jack's Bedroom door.

"May I come in?" She asked softly

"No...." Jack muttered

"Please Jack. I'm sorry for telling your mother but as soon as I entered the house she asked me lots of questions. In the end I had to answer."

"And... you're not coming in." Jack muttered again.

"That's it." Layla pushed the old heavy door open as soon as it made the first creak, Jack jumped behind his bed in a flash.

"You're not coming in Because I'M GETTING DRESSED!" He yelled.

"Oops sorry, be a bit more clearer next time." She giggled turning away, Jack sighed in frustration and chucked on some trousers and picked up the nearest t-shirt and also placed that on."Ok. I'm done." Jack sighed again and sat on his bed placing his head in his hands.

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