Chapter five - hidden secrets

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Jack stared after his old Sensei, not believing what had just happened. Why did he say no..... He felt so stupid..... What was he going to do now?... By the look on Sensei Elijah's face he should be scared..... Jack felt as though something was coming... and he and his friends where the targets...! How could he defend them? When he can't even protect himself. He knew Sensei Elijah was strong but this.... This was crazy.... He was like ten times stronger than the last time... what is he going to do....
Kim stared at Jack, he's expression said everything, he was scared and he didn't know what to do, which only made Kim feel worse. In one swift kick the old man had sent Jack flying, what can she do? There's nothing she capable of doing right? Not up against him anyway. So what can she do? Just stand by and watch? No! She has to do something, what she told them, 'The wasabi warriors stand together! It's like OUR Sensei teaches us, to be Loyal, honest and never say die.' She wanted them to be more than words... but how? She really meant what she said, but as she was saying them her body had frozen in fear... how can she protect....Letting out an annoyed sigh, Kim finally decided standing around thinking wasn't going to solve anything. She turned her attention back to Jack; who hadn't taken his eyes off where the Sensei had left. He was clutching his side too, which worried her.

"Jack?" Kim asked trying desperately to get his attention but nothing, he wasn't listening.

"Hey." She said softly reaching out to touch his shoulder, as soon as she made contact he jumped. "It's me!"

"Hey!" Jack smirked "Sorry."

"Are you alright?" Kim asked taking a few steps closer until, they where so close, Kim could hear him breathing.

"Yeah, looks worse than it is." Jack smiled, when he saw Kim's reaction he sighed "Honest! I'm fine."

"Ok if you say so." Kim said not truly believing him.

"I've got to..." Jack smiled as he started to walk to the front door. Before he took two steps Kim grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"NO YOU'RE STAYING!" Kim stated, Jack sighed in frustration but listened to her. He reached forward and kissed her on the cheek.

"Fine" He smiled, realising he wasn't going anywhere Jack helped Kim put the living room back as it was, and then they both sat down on the sofa with the news on. Kim's mum came through with two cups of hot chocolate; she placed them on the table and walked back out again, without saying a word.

"Erm... Jack?" Kim suddenly said

"Huh?" Jack asked taking his attention away from the breaking news about a theft at the mall.

"Wha....what happened with you and the red scorpions? I mean the Sensei is really mad at you. I don't believe it's just because you left the Dojo." Kim asked with curiosity in her eyes. Jack sighed he'd been waiting for her to ask him.

"Well.... It started a few years ago. My mother and I had just moved, after a short while I enrolled in the Red Scorpion Dojo. It was a great Dojo, well disciplined students and an awesome Sensei. Well that's until.... Sensei Elijah became his replacement after a so called accident. Elijah changed the Dojo brought up new rules, such as no mercy, in other words don't leave your opponent standing." Jack paused remembering this was hard Kim could see that, finally he continued Kim remained silent listening carefully. "Most of the students didn't agree but he was our Sensei so we had to obey him or leave. Most of them left, I stayed which was a really bad idea. Finally the martial arts competitions came up and Sensei Elijah was sure that his son would win. His son is no other than Alex."

"What really? What happened then?" Kim blurred out "Sorry ignore me. Please go on" Jack grinned at her adorable smile and then continued.

"Well..... It came down to the final, between me and Alex. Two points each, next point to win, Sensei Elijah didn't like that I was probably going to win. So he called Alex over and told him to hit me really hard in an illegal spot. Alex obeyed his Sensei / Father and punched me really hard in the face but instead of winning, the referee disqualified him. So I won the match but I had to leave the Dojo simply as I had had enough. Because of that Sensei Elijah keeps saying I disgraced his Dojo, students and him because I left and also as I wouldn't have a rematch with Alex. So Sensei Elijah gave Alex and the Red Scorpions permission to beat me up when ever they saw me."

"Oh my god..." Kim muttered

"In the end my grandfather took me under his wing and taught me the Wasabi Code and how to fight probably, not that long later we moved here and well you know the rest." Jack finished with a sigh

"Jack... I had no idea... so what the Sensei found you and decided to come here and challenge you again?" Kim said

"Yeah but he got even more annoyed when I beat Alex again." Jack chuckled

"So what are we going to do?" Kim asked

"We" Jack glared "There's no we Kim."

"Yes there is Jack. Myself and you are in this together. Now what's the plan?" Kim glared back folding her arms. She loves the guy but it can be really frustrating to talk to him some times.

"The plan?" Jack smirked

"Yes Dummy the Plan, I know you have one." Kim smirked back

"Ok....Well the plan is I go and fight the sensei and see what happens." Jack muttered not daring to look at her eyes.

"But jack you can't" Kim growled

"I'm not letting them drag you and the others into this mess. I don't want to see the warrior's hurt. I can't bear to see you hurt, knowing it's my fault." Jack sighed

"I don't care Jack, I can't bear to see you hurt either." Kim snapped. Together they sat in silence watching the flashing images on the television not even listening to it. Suddenly Kim jumped up and snapped her fingers.

"That's it!" Kim grinned

"What's what?" Jack asked pulling his confused face that Kim adored.

"Why don't the wasabi and the Red Scorpions Dojo's have a sparing match?" Kim smirked "I know I'm a genius and all. But they won't be able to try anything with a referee there!"

"This is genius! But can you and the others actually fight them?" Jack Mocked. "There too strong. Besides the Sensei wants to fight me, not me and you lot fight his students. Good plan Babe but it won't work."

"It will work Jack have a little faith will ya? Can't we just try it? We can talk to Sensei Rudi and get it organized." Kim said cuddling Jacks arm. Trying her best to give him her puppy dog eyes and sparkling grin.

"No Kim, like I said I can't bear to see you or the warriors hurt!" Jack Snapped pulling away from her. "You don't know their true fighting style. It's hard to defend against and their speed is great. Only I can just able manage to fight one of them."

"Exactly my point Jack!" Kim ginned

"Huh? Ok now I'm completely lost...." Jack sighed

"You know how to fight them correct?" Kim smirked

"More or less yeah. Why?" Jack asked

"You can teach us the basics Jack. It will be good training. Also there will be a referee and others there so they shouldn't try anything. And if they do me and you will stop it simple." Kim smiled

"But...""We are doing this Jack so are you going to help us or not?"

"Fine... But it's still a bad idea. I can't argue with you, I love ya too much." Jack smirked hugging her.

"And I you." Kim giggled rather loudly with her red rosy cheeks.

"Let's see if the old man accepts the challenge." Jack chuckled

"But first. I'm tired" Kim yawned "Bed anyone?"

"Oh yeah!" Jack chuckled kissing her on the forehead. "See you here tomorrow then?"

"No Jack you can sleepover we have a spare room." Kim sighed

"Ok sounds good!" He smirked giving her a kiss just as her mother walked in. Quickly breaking away from each other Jack smiled at Kim's mum.

"Is it ok if Jack sleeps over mum?" Kim asked

"Yeah." Her mother said walking away with a smirk on her face

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