Chapter Four - Challenged refused a new enemy emerges

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Jack smiled up at Kim who blushed and kept eating her fries, pretending that she hadn't just glanced up at him.
"So...." Kim started but lost her words, when Jack reached over and gave her another kiss. She loved it when their lips meet; it felt so romantic, passionate and compared to her last relationship they had a spark. Jack met her eyes and she knew he felt the same.When they where finished and after a bit of persuading, Jack managed to get to walk Kim home. With his arm over Kim's shoulders they walked together talking, laughing and kissing until they reached her front door. Such a long journey felt like seconds that they would both love to relive over and over again."Well here's me." Kim sighed wishing this night would last forever. But she could already hear her mum kicking off if she broke her curfew. So sadly she unlocked the front door and looked back at Jack. "Thanks for tonight. I have an awesome time!" She smiled"Me too." He smiled back "So does this mean you have a crush on me?" He joked"No." Kim smiled Jack looked at her confused "I don't have a crush on you as you're now my boyfriend. I love you, you dummy.""Well good." Jack smiled again "I love you too." He reached forward and kissed her for the last time that night."Night!" He chuckled walking off, leaving her with the kiss."Night!" She whispered after him. She then turned around and walking into the house shutting the door behind her. She slid down the door and sat on the floor. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she sighed happily putting her finger to her lips. Amazing. Who knew he was such a great kisser? She smiled to her self."What's up with you?" Her mother asked curiously "You've been there a while.""Love!" Kim smirked running up the stairs. Her mother laughed after her."What's his name?" Her mother teased as she stood in her daughter's doorway."Jack Anderson!" Kim blushed"Jack? The one you denied you liked?" Kim's mum chuckled "So....""Sooo what mum?""Details!" Her mother chuckled again, Kim rolled her eyes but told her mother about the perfect date she and Jack had. After telling her someone broke through the front door....Jack reached his house moments after leaving Kim. He just couldn't get her out of his mind, this was manly the reason he didn't want a girlfriend, as he knew he'd be distracted from karate but he couldn't resist Kim. He reached forward to unlock his front door when he realised it was ajar. Snapping out of his love trance he walked through the front door with caution. He almost kicked his mother in the face as she ran at him and threw her arms around him the moment he was in the house."Oh Jack!" She sobbed into his shoulder "Your ok... I thought....""Wow wow wow mum!" Jack shouted awkwardly pushing his mother back "What happened?""Well...." She started, wiping her tears away "They came to the house.... And said that you would.....""Who came, they said what? Mum focus this is important!" Jack sighed sitting her down."I'm sorry Jack." She sobbed taking in a deep breath before she continued "The Red Scorpions came. The Sensei came too, he said that he challenges you to a fight and if you refuse they will...""They will what?" Jack asked"They won't leave you or your friends alone." She sighed "They came here to get you.""Oh..... That's it they have gone far enough!" Jack shouted "First thing in the morning I'm going to their dojo and sorting this mess out!""NO! You said it yourself Jack. Violence isn't the answer!" His mother cried"I know. I didn't say anything about fighting Mum." Jack smiled "It will be ok I promise. Why don't you stay at a neighbours or friends house until I sort this out?""But.....""It fine mum just go!""Its not that Jack. They asked where they could find you." She sighed looking away not daring to look at her son."Mum what did you do?" Jack demanded"I said you where out..... With.....Kim....I'm....." Before this mother could finish Jack stormed out of the house and ran to Kim's.He's worst fears where meet when he found the front door wide open. Without a second thought Jack ran threw the house looking for Kim. He reached the living room and found Alex, the Red Scorpion Sensei and Kim standing in a circle in the middle of the room. Some of the furniture was chucked to one side and Jack saw Kim's mum huddled in the corner, tears in her eyes as she clutched her legs. Jack soon noticed that Kim was out of breath and a few drops of blood where coming from her bottom lip. Jack jumped over the coffee table in one leap and placed himself in front of Kim and the others."Jack!" Kim shouted startled. "What are you....""Ahhh Jackie!" Alex smiled"Jack Anderson, it's been a while....." The Sensei Smiled"Sensei Elijah!" Jack glared getting into a protective stance."No worries Mr Anderson. I'm not here to fight you yet!" Elijah Sensei chuckled "But let this be a lesson to you. Come to my Dojo on humph... lets see... Friday. That should give you enough time to prepare yourself. Just you and me I promise. If I win you come back to my Dojo, but if you win then myself and my students will leave you and your friends of course alone. Deal or no Deal" He chuckled"No deal!" Kim shouted "It's not going to happen! Do what you like but the wasabi warriors stand together! It's like OUR Sensei teaches us, to be Loyal, honest and never say die. Plus violence doesn't solve everything! So get out now before I call the cops!""Oh no not the Cops! Run Sensei!" Alex mocked"I wasn't talking to you Kim Crawford! Mr Anderson?" Sensei Elijah asked"You heard her no Deal!" Jack muttered not daring to look his old Sensei in the eye "Now get out!""Awwwww poor Jackie doesn't want to play..." Alex chuckled"Enough Alex!" Sensei Elijah shouted the anger clear in his voice "You're an embarrassment now go!"Alex gulped down his fear and obeyed his Sensei without out saying another word. Elijah Sensei started to follow Alex to the front door but paused next to Jack."You will regret this boy!" he whispered into Jack's ear "You have dishonoured my Dojo, My students and me for the last time!" Before walking away Elijah Sensei of the Red scorpions threw a kick at Jack, the impact was so strong it sent Jack flying into the Coffee table he had just jumped over. Kim's anger boiled for the second time that night."How dare you! First you push my mother and now you kick my boyfriend! That's it no more Misses nice girl!" Kim glared walking towards Elijah Sensei who didn't seem scared at all."N....No Kim!" Jack huffed "He's.....not worth... it!" Jack struggled to his feet holding his side, with his free arm he pulled Kim away.Sensei Elijah and Alex walked out of the house and disappeared into the night.

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