day 3

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Today is the hardest day.

Yesterday you asked for me back. You said that you could still make me happy and all I needed to do was keep the promises that I somehow always managed to discard. You said that we could last.

And I said no. We would never last because we are two polar opposites who are trying to find common ground. I want love and affection while you want attention and physicality. I can't give you what you want and you can't give me what I want. Not to our fulfillment, that is.

Then you said that you wanted us to be really close friends, and I said yes. We are both in love and needed one another, but I think we've both agreed that we can't be lovers.

The part that hurt the most was when you told me you had rejected a lot of girls. Girls who despised me and made horrible assumptions about me and my personality while we were together. They are now throwing themselves at you because you're single, and you're letting them.

We talked a lot yesterday about everything. You told me you were texting people and out of curiosity I asked how many girls. You said four.

I told you that if I was distracting you then we could stop talking, but he stopped me from leaving. You said I was the one you wanted to talk to most, which is why you weren't replying to the others right now.

This gave me a sense of satisfaction as well as heartbreak.

It just hurts that you're there talking to all these girls who want you and I had you. I could still have you, but I can't. And that's what hurts the most.

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