day 36

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The past few weeks have been wild, but I guess it all paid off in the end.

You said I made you happy and you wanted to try this, and I'm hoping that this time you've made up your mind for good. The past few days have been bittersweet, but I made you smile. And just seeing that smile on your face because of me made me feel like I won something much more than two eyes and a soul.

Tomorrow we're supposed to go to the movies, but there's only one problem. My parents, who seem to think I'm a slut, probably won't let me go. I hate not being able to drive and have to live under a roof where I can't go anywhere if my parents won't let me.

I want to spend time with you. I want to see you and be with you and be able to touch your skin without anyone staring. I want to be able to feel your warm breath tickle my neck and your arm wrapped protectively around my shoulder.

I want that, and I want you close.

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