day 41

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Be with someone who's smarter than you. Be with someone who's better than you. Be with someone who brings out the best in you.

Be with someone who you can hold a conversation with you. Be with someone you can have intelligent late night talks with, not just simple conversations. Be with someone you can talk about the universe and how the earth was made with.

Be with someone who makes you happy just be seeing their face. Be with someone who you don't need to do anything with to have fun—you just need to be with them. Be with someone who loves the sound of your voice and the way you laugh when you're tired and the way you look without makeup.

Be with someone who doesn't allow you to see the negative aspects of life. Be with someone who shows you the world and brings you to a place beyond reality. Be with someone who loves your mind and your soul, not just your body.

Be with someone who respects you. Be with someone who doesn't push you into doing things you don't want to. Be with someone who knows the difference between sacrifice and self-respect. Be with someone who takes your breath away just be staring into your eyes and giving you a smile.

Be with that person, and be that person yourself.

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