day 36265226 - in need of advice

410 17 13

Hi friends.

I found the most perfect boy. He's attractive and smart and funny and everything I could ever dream of in a guy. He loves me more than anyone ever has, and I couldn't picture life with anyone else.

There's only a small problem: his parents don't like me because I'm Asian and he's Indian.

It's a cruel and unfair world we live in. They took away everything he has so he can't communicate with me. His parents are struggling and he's realizing he needs to spend more time with them. But he also says that he'll never love anyone more than me and he'd do anything to be with me freely.

He said he doesn't want me to put my life on hold for him, but I told him I would. He said it could take months, possibly until summer, for it to even get better, and he's not even sure if it will. I would wait as long as it takes, because that's what he'd do for me.

So he ended it.

It sounds like he's losing hope. And after the strong love we've built and the future we've already mapped out together, I want to make sure that there's a future that I'm actually waiting for.

Never have I had parents dislike me because of my race. Something I can't change about myself. And it sickens me that the one time I find someone that I can actually picture a bright future with, even my parents love him, something comes in the way and ruins it all.

What do I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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