Author's announcement

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So the year is 2022, I have a job where I just sit around all day doing nothing and get paid $12 and hour for it.

I am back at writing a fanfic of my old character Nightflame. I'm always need something to do so sure why not just write.

I got a challenge out there for all you folks who are fans to this lil fanfic going here.
If you guys can get this book to:
10k reads (were at about half that right now)
300 star thingies
200 comments (not random garbage and spam, I will delete those. I want real interaction, theories, general imput, questioning what the fuck is wrong with my characters mental states.)

If all this happens, no time limit just whenever it does, I will genuinely write you guys more chapters. I can't promise thier personalities will be the same but hey you'll get more stuff to read.
Maybe I'll draw art for some of the chapters too.

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