Chapter 2

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Nightflame's POV.

As we continued the go towards the facility I had COMPUTER scan my key card just in case something happens to where I need a new one. Dr.Hansen looked back at us with a confused look " What was that flash of light?" he asked,
"I was looking at my key card, guess the lights reflected off it." I lied knowing that the light really came from COMPUTER's scanning devise,
"Alright." He said with a nod and looked back forward.
'Weren't we told to be carful.' said Darkportal's telepathic voice in my head,
'Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.' I mentally said back to her.

Time skip:

We finally got to the factility and we followed Dr.Hansen in while a couple of MTFs followed behind us, I personally thought it was a bit strange that how quiet it seemed on this level but it's probably because all the SCPs are down below on the lower levels. I don't know how long it's been since I broke out as SCP-3005 but I know for me it's been about 17,950 years, but with how much older Dr.Hansen looks I would guess its been around 10 years here. We entered a elavatered that began to decend as soon as everyone was inside,
" As soon as we exit the elavater you to will be taken to where you need to go." Dr.Hansen said,
"Alright, sound reasonable compared to wondering the halls not knowing where to go." Darkportal said with a chuckle,
"Oh I almost forgot, I'm supposed to give you this paper Agent Colorado." He suddenly said before handing me a paper with questions on it for SCP-049,
"Why the extra questions?" I asked,
"They aren't extra questions actually, those different one that we want you to ask him instead of the ones in your folder." He answered,
"May I ask as to why the sudden change?" I said,
"Well, ever since SCP-3005 broke out of the facility we've been doing a special experiment." Dr.Hansen answered, I just nodded in understandment. Moments later the doors of the elivater opened and we all walked out, I quickly put the new set of questions for SCP-049 into my folder as I was seperated from Darkportal to be walked to our seperate assignments by MTFs. When I finally got to the interviewing room I could see SCP-049 was already inside seated at a desk looking as if he were depressed, I took out the new set of questions and set up the recorder before speaking into the mic that's connected to the intercom in the interview cell that SCP-049 was in.
"Hello 049, I'm Agent Colorado. How are you today?" I said calmly,
He didn't respond to me so I decided to just start with the questions.
"How have you been since SCP-3005..." I paused for a moment " s-since her death?" I didn't think to read ahead so the question completely caught me off guard.

SCP-049's POV.

The interviewer stuttered in the middle of her first question as if she wasn't made aware of my beloved's death 10 years ago, I looked at her noticing she looked completely baffled through the glass that was separating us. The room went silent for a moment before this Agent Colorado said,
"Apologies, I wasn't made aware that there was a death of a SCP within the facility." She said obviously trying to keep her voice steady. One thing I noticed about the Agent was her eyes and how much they resembled SCP-3005 but I knew that it was impossible the it could be my dearest in disguise, I was told that she was terminated from one of the doctors supervising her containment and test.
"I haven't​ killed myself yet still, so I guess I'm fine." I said,
"I'm assuming you two were close." She said in a now steady voice,
"Yes, very much." I said looking down,
"I'm sorry, it's such a tragedy to loose someone you love." She said in a voice I could tell she was very sincere about what she had said,
I looked at her very surprised before saying "You know, for the past ten years you are the only one to say that and actually mean it. All the other humans here are to cold to show any sympathy for a creature like me. " trying not to show any tears of sadness,
She just looked at me with pity in her violet eyes.

Nightflame's POV.

I sighed "Now I should say lets continue with the questions now but the rest of these seem pretty depressing. Now the original ones I got have questions like 'Where are you from?' and 'What's the reason for your methods of experiments?' and just pretty much stuff like that. Now although I might get yelled at by someone later, I really just don't give a damn about asking the rest of these and I think this interview is over because of that being so. Wouldn't you agree?' I said but SCP-049 just nodded. I turned off the recorder and picked up my papers before leaving the room to tell the MTFs that I'm done with my interview, I noticed they looked puzzled at me but it was probably something to do with the fact that I got done with the interview so quickly. I watched as they walked SCP-049 out of the interviewing cell to go back to his own cell, I walked up beside one of the MTF who was behind the rest with a rifle,
"Mind if I follow you guys? I'm quite curious as to how the facility contains SCPs." I said,
"I don't see why you can't, not like this ones going to try anything." He said and I noticed SCP-049 slightly turned his head after the man spoke,
"Much appreciated." I said,
"Anything for a pretty gal such as yourself." He said,
I didn't​ respond and just kept walking.

(Hello my beautiful readers, apologies for this chapter taking so long. I was busy with school and hit a snag in what to write, I'm trying to update as much as possible but I just have been busy. Hope y'all are loving my trash story so far and don't forget to comment and what not.)

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