Chapter 3

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Nightflame's POV.

While the MTFs were containing SCP-049 back in his cell I noticed that there was still a book shelf but many of the books were spattered across the floor and a saw that quite a few of the books were torn, I watched was 049 was released from his shackles and MTFs who were in the cell quickly got out before the doors had closed shut. We all headed towards the elevator that would take us back up to the previous level we were on, once again the ride was awkward since no one was saying anything until the MTF who had spoken earlier said "Hey, didn't get your name miss."
"Just call me Agent Colorado." I said
"Aw, come on. I tell you my name if you tell me yours." He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes,
I rolled my eyes and sighed "My real name is classified and I'd like to keep it that way."
"You special agents and your secrets." He said with a huff,
"Leave the Agent alone Jimmy, if she doesn't want to tell you her real name then she doesn't have to." one of the other MTFs in the elevator said,
"Now why'd you have  to go on and tell her my name?" Jimmy said in a annoyed tone,
"So Agent Colorado knows who to go after if you try to start up any rumors about her." the MTF who spoke before said,
I chuckled as the doors opened and we all stepped out. I began to head towards SCP-999's cell knowing Darkportal must be there by now but I was stopped by Jimmy,
"Agent Colorado, I was wondering..." He started to say "My lunch break is soon and I was wonder if you wanted to join me."  he said,
I turned to look at them before saying "Well, I'm actually gonna go check up on my partner right now. I'll think about it but its most likely going to be a no." before continuing on to where I was going.

Time skip (Brought to by Hdaiowmnbyqzzawsxedcrfvt):

I was just walking up to the cell when Darkportal came out walking backwards saying "Goodbye" to SCP-999, she jumped when she noticed that I was behind her quietly waiting while the door to the cell closed.
"Jeez, did you really have to be so quiet like that? You gave me a fright." She said with her cute British accent,
"I gave you a fright?" I chuckled,
"Yes, you very much did." she said in a annoyed tone,
"What's the plan now?" I asked,
"I don't know, you're the one who usually comes up with that." ,
"Well, I did get invited to lunch by some dude named Jimmy." I started to walk with Darkportal next to me,
"Jimmy? Is that the same one who threatened​ you  la-... so long ago?" She had stuttered mid sentence and I knew it was because she knew she had to word things differently so I wouldn't be found out,
"I think so but I'm not sure."
"So why take up his offer?"
"Gotta fit in somehow while we are here."
"Wait, how log are we supposed to stay?"
"A couple of weeks I think."
"Casket, keep your voice down."
"Sorry but-" she was interrupted by Dr.Hansen all of a sudden,
"Excuse me Agents but I have something to ask of you." He said with a file in his hands,
"Alright, what do you got for us?" I said,
"Well, about 10 years ago we had a SCP escape with one of out doctors." He handed me a file that had SCP-3005 written on it "I heard you two are the best of the best at tracking anything."
"So I'm assuming you're wanting me and Agent Alaska to track down SCP-3005 and this rouge doctor."
"Yes but more of we just need to find SCP-3005."
"I think we can handle this." I said with a small smile,
and with that said Dr.Hansen walked away. We continued on and both of us just decided to go to the cafeteria to meet up with Jimmy, when we got there I was Jimmy already waiting for us but probably just waiting for me and not Darkportal too. We walked over to the table he was at and sat down infront of him,
"Hey, you gonna say hello or you just going to ignore us?" I said with a smirk,
Jimmy looked up at us "You actually came...and you brought your partner. I thought you said you weren't going to meet me for lunch." He said,
"Meh, I changed my mind." I said with a shrug,
"Well while you two talk about what ever I'm just going to go get food for myself and Colorado." Darkportal got up and walked away,
I took out my file and started looking through it,
"What's that you got there?" Jimmy said with him mouth full,
"It's the SCP-3005 file, Dr.Hansen wants me to track it down and bring it back to the facilities. Sadly there's very little details to go off to track it." I said with a sigh,
"Yea, I can't believe you got the file in general. I've been requesting to go on a mission to track SCP-3005 down since the day it broke out." He said,
"Wish I could get more info on it though." I said making myself more believable​ with every word,
"If we could get SCP-3005-A to speak English instead of it's native language then that could be some help." Jimmy said taking a quick bite of food,
"SCP-3005-A? How do you guys know it's even similar to SCP-3005?" I asked very confused and I waited patiently for him to respond,
"It's like a male version of SCP-3005, we think they might be siblings but no ones really sure. It doesn't really act like SCP-3005 but a lot of things are similar between the two." He said,
I just nodded in response as Darkportal was walking back up with a couple of trays, she sat down and slid one over to me.
"What did I miss?" She asked,
"Nothing much, just chatting about the SCP-3005 file." I responded,
"Alright." She said back 'Were you being careful with what you say?' She added telepathically to me,
'Of course Casket. I know what the fuck I'm doing jeez.' I mentally responded to her as I started to eat my food.

Time skip:

After we finished up with eating and any conversation we kinda dispersed with Jimmy having to go back to whatever his current assignment was while Darkportal and I went off in our own direction to wonder the facility on our own. We weren't really much of sure what to do but check out the quarters we were assigned to, when we got to our individual quarters they were right across the hall from one another. I went into mine and for me it seemed kinda small for my liking but livable for the next two weeks I'll have to bee here for some reason with Casket. Proceeded to set my stuff down on a small table that was in the room before laying down on the bed looking up at the ceiling, my mind began to wonder into thinking about SCP-049 and how horrible for him thinking I've been dead since the day I broke out of the damn facility then I started to think of how for the past 17,950 years I hadn't even tried to come back here to let him know that I was 'Okay' and I just started to fell absolutely terrible for it because I know it must have been like torture for him thinking I was dead. Then I started to think back to the interview with what I said about knowing about what it feel like to loose someone you love and I wasn't talking about him, I was talking about my original love that died on my now waste land of planets that I used to call my home. I staired blankliy up at the ceiling thinking of how horrible of a creature I am for letting get to the state he was in now for the past 10 years here while I was in another dimension time traveling and having the time of my life saving others, making new friends, and finding old friends like Crystalwing who for so long was forced to the back of her own mind by Jewel, who'd now changed sides when I offered her mercy when I had the chance not to, I then closed my eyes knowing that part of the possible mental torture on 049 was partially caused by the foundation's experiment on him. I started thinking back to the conversation I had with Jimmy with him mentioning SCP-3005-A wonder who that could possibly be but then it suddenly hit me, it must be my brother because the last time he and I met up with one another he had been working on some devices for individual inter-dementional travel, so something must have gone wrong with it to where he got stuck here.

(YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! CHAPTER 3 DONE! So I will get to all the action stuff ASAP but I'm trying to figure out how curtain things will take place before that and I'm trying to put in some information that I feel is needed before stuff starts happening. :3   )

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