Chapter 7

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Nightflame's POV.

'Remember when you said you knew what you were doing when we first arrived?' I hear Darkportal say telepathically to me as I was shapeshifting into my wolf form,
I look back at her 'I don't got time for your sas, Casket.' I spoke back to her.
I motioned with my head with my head for them to follow me but its only a few minutes before 049 starts asking questions specifically towards me since, from what I could tell, didn't really like Darkportal,
"So what are you and Darkportal to each other? And who his Uni?" He asked,
I could tell Casket immediately became uncomfortable but answered any ways "I'll tell you later what she and I are to each other when I'm not to focused on other things to keep an eye on the two of you. And Uni is my younger brother who somehow got himself caught by the foundation." I say faintly hearing what sounds like a struggle way down the dark hallway,
"What's that first part supposed to mean?" He said sound a little ticked off,
I wiped my head by to glare at him "I said I'll tell you later." I answer look back ahead of me to prick my ears and listen more carefully to try and tell who or what was ahead so we didn't get ourselves into any major trouble.

A few minutes pass.

We draw closer to a intersection of hallways when someone suddenly yells "I told you I don't know where my sister is!" and I reconized it as my brother's voice, I raced down the rest of the hallway and skid to a stop to see the General pinning down Uni. They both look up at me and saw a grin spread across General's face, my brother looked worried to see me probably because he know he'd be in trouble.
"Guess I don't have to waste my time to look for you, Nightflame. It's a pleasure to see my favorite torture victim again." He said getting off Uni and walking towards me,
I shapeshifted into my winged human form and glared at him "Well it's not as much of a pleasure to me to see your ugly mug again, especially since you're supposed to be dead." I say,
"I'm surprised that you no longer fear me like the last time we met, and I have no idea where you heard such a thing." He said walking around him,
I saw Uni get up and go down the hall way to where Darkportal and 049 were,
"Your dear leader and sister Jewel told me." I said,
"How dare you lie about her in such a way!" General growled raising a clawed hand to probably slash across my face,
he failed in his attempt and I ended up grabbing his wrist before pining him on a near by wall with one hand.
I had computer materialize a special pair of hand cuff that I had made long before I heard news that he was supposed to be dead, they are made to block out an of his abilities, I quickly hand cuffed General before letting go of him.
"One, it's a bad idea to attack the leader of DarkBlood. And two, you're under arrest for being the cause of at least 4 species bein close to or completly killed off." I say looking at him with a bit of a grin,
I hear both Uni and Darkportal trying to not burst out laughing,
"What gives you the athority to do this?" he growled trying to get out of he hand cuffs,
"The people I work with." I say knocking him to the ground,
The General growls at me with a cold stare then I proceed to open a portal to the shadow zone.
I motion for Uni to come throw him threw the portal and he followed my order but just before General was thrown threw he let out a loud screech call for the Loyalist clones to attack,  I quickly closed the portal after General was threw so my brother and I went back over to Darkportal and 049.
"What the bloody hell did he make that screech for? " Darkportal asked,
I looked to Uni then back at her "That was a call to the other Loyalist to attack on sight, I think it's best we get away from out current location and tread carefully as well as stay alert." I said in a tone to make it clear j was speaking to all three of them,
Uni and Darkportal nodded in agreement while 049 mumbled "You're starting to sound more like those military task force. ",
I didn't think he knew that I heard him but I decided to respond with " That's cause I'm a leader of a clan,  not a creature trying to find her bearings on life like the last time I was here Doc. " ,
I didn't want to see his reaction and started to go down the hallway with my clan members following beside me first before I heard 049's footsteps as he tried to catch up behind us.
I knew this was going to be a long and annoying journey out of here.

(I decided to finish this up real quick cause I felt like it and it was almost done  anyways. Feel free to leave any comments about the story or leave any suggestions for reasonable SCPs I could attend include at some point before book 2 is over.)

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